Close Call L:ast Night


Well-Known Member
Just last night, 3 am, I was sitting here on the pc when I started to hear a chopper fly by. That is no alarm because I live about a mile from an I'm right in the middle of a flight path. I got to thinking, a chopper cant fly with in a mile of an airport...(saw that on HEAT) Well I kept hearing it/the choppers flying over the apartments....I started to shit....I
Went outside on my patio to look, and there were cops everywhere....
Cops were shining their flashlights into my patio....I was shitting hard, it wasnt even lights out closet was light up like daylight, you can BARELY see a crack of light...but I shit my pants for an hour listening to that chopper, seeing lights everywhere......I stayed calm, locked the doors and waited for a knock that never came....I wasnt about to go in there to turn em off....
Turns out they were looking for 3 men who had jacked a car, shot and killed the owner, and did a home invasion here in my apartments...they caught one, two got away! Thats the reason for the hour long fly by's. It was all over the news...even had a shot of my parkinglot on TV~ whew that was close!


Well-Known Member
yea i woulda been shitting my pants, ive been in a similar situation but i live on a street. a swat van and cruisers surounded my street right were my house was. but later found out some one got murdered in the house next to me , and to guys fled.