

Active Member
hey is there such a thing as too much cloraphyl?
can cloraphyl be added like a nutrient? foliar?
if i had access to some would it help the plant since it wont have to work as hard produce it?

just thought i'd post this here to get some insight from experts.
thanks guys and gals.


chlorophyll is made by the plant itself, so i would say no you cant have too much, and no you cant add it


Active Member
chlorophyll is made by the plant itself, so i would say no you cant have too much, and no you cant add it
first off thanks for the reply.
are you sure it cant be added? how did you come up with your answer? ever tried it? thought of this before and researched it? people were once sure the earth was flat too.
i know its produced by the plant. i,m wondering if you can supliment its production somehow, like what you can do with sugars. plant also produces sugar but you can supliment what it makes.

this thread is for advanced thinking, theoretical thought, so i want some open minds willing to think outside the box. dont just say no you cant, how do you come up with it. whats your train of thought.....

thanks for the reply, not tryin to dump on ya, just want some basis for your no.....i'm truly interested in this.


Well-Known Member
hmmm. well i know chlorophyll is a pigment located in plant like organisms that soaks up certain light spectrum/s which in turn gives it the power to preform photosynthesis. blah blah blah photosynthesis makes sugar so the plant can eat it and live.


so i have never seen chlorophyll in fertilizers or anything like that...dont even know if its possible. but maybe if you are really awesome and have a biology lab you could transfer chlorophyll from 1 plant and like pump it into another one? would it accept the extra chlorophyll? would the plant die? either way i'm sure some horticulture doctor has already played with this idea and nothing happens otherwise this shit would be all over the magazines. either way im done rambling. time for a bowl.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever even taken highschool biology? I would say that you really should get an education before you grow weed, especially since if you don't have one you don't have the intelligence to spare by frying your braincells... but it seems like too many fools grow it because that's their only way to get an income.

It can't be done. Some sugars and nutrients travel throughout the plant from cell to cell where they are needed. Chlorophyll is located in the thylakoid membranes INSIDE cells. They cannot be put in unless you had microscopic needles to inject them into every plant cell which would do more harm than good... they can't simply be injected into the phloem.


Well-Known Member
"natural internal deodorizer and tissue healer" Lol... last time I knew my muscles, heart, and bones didn't smell bad. The crap people are allowed to sell :-(.


Active Member
ya guys....f*ck cloraphyl. I hate harvesting and having to try the cloraphyl. If anything, we should find a way to remove it and not add more.