

Active Member
the reason you need or should use rockwell is because if you use soil right from the jump, youll remove the clonex with the first watering...with rockwell...the stem is snug inside the rockwool and will keep the clonex there for a for me with 100% success rate...and you can have as many leaves as you want on a clone...but the more leaves...the longer it will take to root...mine start to pop roots in about 14 days or everytime!


Active Member
im not using solo cups or rockwool.! im just using clonex and straight soil
invest in rockwool...they are really can get them on ebay for really 12 for less than $5 with free shipping...and i cut mine in half...make 2 triangles out of one cube...plant clone in middle with clonex and your all set!

yeah B U B B A

Well-Known Member
foreal.!? what i did., i put a hole in the soil first then installed the clone with clonex gel around it.!

whats in rockwool to make it so good.!?


Well-Known Member
You can use soil when cloning but rockwool is easier and I've had 100% success rate with it.. and when you take your cuttings, like what one of the other posters stated, you really only want the top most leafs and even those can be trimmed down(more = more for the plant to keep alive and less energy for Root development)..I've used clear plastic bags, clear plastic tub(up ended) and now have a 52 x 42 x 22 Propagator was a steal of FleaBay.....

52x42x22 Propagator.jpg

Also Clones they like to have a Fresh Air at least twice a day... so what ever you use for a Humidity Dome?? needs taking off for 5mins, twice a day at least...

You should see Roots(If using Rockwool) after maybe a couple of days...though it can take up to 14days(sometimes more) for Clone to take...depends on various factors.




Well-Known Member
so if i dont cut the extra leaves., how long will it take for me to see them not drupe if they were not to die.?
If you don't wanna cut em OFF, then just cut about a 3rd off the tips, mist twice a day, let breath twice a a day...

