

Active Member
well the problem is is that i only have one room so is cloning out of the picture or can i take my clone straight into flowering on a 12 12. ill get a picture on here of the area and the size of the mother i have now


Well-Known Member
I would go into 12/12 do your plants have alternating nodes? They look big enough, remember they will double or more in size when you flower them.


Active Member
hey new growth thanks for all the help this is my frist grow like i said before. the bottom has one section of nodes that both go the same way it is really crowded and some of the leaves are losing that dark green and becoming light is this due to no light or something with the nuts? i know i will probably get laughed at with this ? but im using mg feed the little balls just because i figured being my first i didnt want to use the liquid feed, could that be due to the low quality feed as well? my last question is i have some brown dark spotting on a couple mid level leaves im gonna read around but any ideas?


Well-Known Member
hey new growth thanks for all the help this is my frist grow like i said before. the bottom has one section of nodes that both go the same way it is really crowded and some of the leaves are losing that dark green and becoming light is this due to no light or something with the nuts? i know i will probably get laughed at with this ? but im using mg feed the little balls just because i figured being my first i didnt want to use the liquid feed, could that be due to the low quality feed as well? my last question is i have some brown dark spotting on a couple mid level leaves im gonna read around but any ideas?
Check your soil ph you may want to re-pot. It is difficult to control the amount you plant is fed with those "little balls" its time release and might give your plant to much or to little at the wrong times. Those are made for houseplants not fast growing annuals like cannabis.


Active Member
ph is pretty nut right around 7 6.5 so i think its pretty good one thing ive come up with is that since the nodes do not flip flop at the bottom the light isnt making it down that far


Active Member
Hey guys,
First up it's weird that your mother is flowering so early on her own.. definately check your timer. It is harder to get a clone to clone if you are already flowering but it should take... Clones tend to wilt when you first cut them and it will depend on the temperature and light and moisture content as to how much.. Try spraying a fine mist on the leaves.. The leaves can soak up moisture this way. Also pretty much keep your soil moist. You don't need a humid dome thingo but it does help for sure.
I usually stress my plants for better growth and sometime i accidentally break a top or a branch off and i can usually clone without even using cloning solution. I just stick it straight into dirt and keep it moist.. I usually keep it at a distance from the light too so it doesn't heat up and stress the plant.. Also from what i have read you shouldn't need to use any fertilizer for the first 2 weeks when cloning too.. Don't worry about wilting. They wilt cause they have no roots and can't suck nutrients up so light mist and relax, when the roots take there will be no stopping it..
Best of luck
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