

Active Member
ok so my question is , i have one female out of six bag seed plants she is about 30 days into veg not very big i would say about 12-15 inches tall cfl grow. i want to at least have 2 fem so can i clone her now or should i wait until flowering stage and then clone. also she already showed sighns of female so has she been kicked into flowering. 18-6 cycle, the first two weeks she was not on a timer so the cycle was kinda off. any help would be appreciated

Guerilla Grower

Active Member
you kind of need pictures to determine whether it is ready. height might not be as important if its a really bushy plant with a big canopy

don't pick a branch with just one big leave, pick one with many nodes and branches that go in different directions....ya know not leaning towards one side


Well-Known Member
Clone now label your clones and make note of the best plants in your flower room then save those clones. You can clone during flower but the clones don't do as well it takes a bit longer and can be more stressful as the have to revert back to vegetative growth. looks good man!


Active Member
so i cloned her and the clone seems to be limp whats that about any ideas on how to get the child to take better? first clone ever so not really sure what im doing


Active Member
Any1 got an answer for this guy, I'm at the same stage(just started 12/12 yest), and would like to get a few clones started. Also, I've been lookin and can't find how/where to cut a clone off the plant. A pic would be most helpful.

And hello all.. :bigjoint: new here, love the forum.


Well-Known Member
the thing with this plant is she has been on a 18/6 for the life of the plant so.. why is she flowering???
I don't know why your plant started flowering. What strain do you have. Did you have a power failure recently that cause so darkness for your plants? Have your plants been stressed in any way? Double check your timers.


Active Member
i would say that my roomate checks the shit while its dark and might let some light in, so idk the timer comes on like 3 minutes before its true 18/6 so idk if that would be a factor. the clone is super limp any ideas


Well-Known Member
i would say that my roomate checks the shit while its dark and might let some light in, so idk the timer comes on like 3 minutes before its true 18/6 so idk if that would be a factor. the clone is super limp any ideas
It might be the strain some strains auto-flower like lowryder so they don't need a change in the light cycle. Tell you room mate to leave the plants alone during lights out it can stress them and cause them to go herme. As for the clone make sure you are misting her and the light is not to intense. Also put her under a humidity dome until she roots any pics?


Active Member
ok how soon will a clone die if it is not going to work-- it has been 2 days for me and the clones still look perky


Well-Known Member
ok how soon will a clone die if it is not going to work-- it has been 2 days for me and the clones still look perky
I depends a clone can die in a day or a week it just depends on what kind of stress you are putting it under. If it looks perky thats a good sign but all in time :peace:


check this diy cloner out GROWFAQ i suggest this thing all the time because i have had 100% success rate with it.
also you could have an autoflowering plant but i know some times your plant will show preflowers on their own when thety are ready to go into flower.


Active Member
my clone looks pretty sad idk what the deal is is it possible that she was not ready to be cloned i would say the clone was only 6 inches long i have her held up right now with a loose wire but she is droopin hard and looks almost gone she is still green but im not sure what the deal is


Active Member
so my baby has seemed to slow her height growth and really is starting to show hairs and what not she is on a 18-6 like i have said should i bump her to 12 12 to start the budding process or should i wait it out to see if she starts to go up agian


so my baby has seemed to slow her height growth and really is starting to show hairs and what not she is on a 18-6 like i have said should i bump her to 12 12 to start the budding process or should i wait it out to see if she starts to go up agian
do you mean the clone or the mother plant. i leave my clones on 24/7 till they root then move them to my veg room.

if its the mother plant and you think it is big enough for the harvest you want turn the light and bud it. my plants branch out quite a bit when i put them in 12/12 sometimes they get bigger than the small room can handle