

Global Mod, Stoner Chic
shit i cant order it online..r u sure they wont have it at lowes..they usually have everything
They may have some sort of rooting hormone/stimulator stuff, but I prefer to use Olivia's because I know it works. I have used Stim Root in the past which works well too, but again you have to get that at a grow shop. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Hehe, no Lowes and Home Depot don't carry many things that will work for growing marijuana with the exception of building materials and ventilation equipment. Their garden centers suck and don't carry more than your average McSoil and McNutrients. Are you sure there's no hydroponics shop or garden store in your area? And why can't you order online? Most online hydro shops will let you mail them a money order as payment so you don't need a credit card.


Active Member
damn this sucks..well im gonna try lowes or something..cause i cant ask my parents for rootin gel..they will be like what the fuck..and i need to clone im not startin more plants from seeds...ill find something


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
damn this sucks..well im gonna try lowes or something..cause i cant ask my parents for rootin gel..they will be like what the fuck..and i need to clone im not startin more plants from seeds...ill find something

How old are you?


Active Member
Growing while living with parents is a damn fine way to land a Felony before your even out of the house imho, unless there cooler than the average parent. Chances are if they ask wtf to cloning gel they will really say wtf to a found garden.


Well-Known Member
Oh dude, you're just a kid. You definitely shouldn't be growing in your parents house. It may not seem like a big deal, but if you get caught growing even one little plant your parents could lose their house in a seizure. Believe me, this does actually happen. You should end your current project and wait until you get your own place before starting a grow-op. Also, not to be a dick or anything, but this is really an adult forum for adults who have made the choice to grow marijuana. I don't think it's an appropriate place for kids. Sorry bro.


Well-Known Member
I'd stay away from that product because it contains fertilizer as well as rooting hormones. You want to use a rooting hormone solution that does not contain nutes. I use Rootech Cloning Gel and have found it to be an excellent product for a decent price (the 4oz. container costs about $20).


Well-Known Member
That rooting powder is fine. It's basically the same as the gel, but in powder form. To properly use the powder, mist the stalk with some water where you're going to take your cutting. Using a sharp razor or scalpel, cut the clone off the mother plant at a 45° angle making sure to give yourself about 3" of stem. Dip the cut end of the clone into the rooting powder so that the powder clings to about 2" of the cut stem. Carefully insert the stem into your growing medium (rockwool, soil, etc.) Place your new clone under fluorescent lighting at a distance of about 2"-3", then sit back and let nature take its course. Your new clone should take root within 5-10 days, at which point you can transplant it into a full-sized container and put it under your main veg. lighting.


Active Member
"Grozyme" is a horticultural enzymatic formula. Made in Canada even, lol. It adds enzymes and such to the rockwool or use it with your nutes, you can get it at any hydro grow shop. Do you have the lights on them 24?. Wipe all extra moiture from inside the dome too, i do this when I mist them daily. The first couple of days, I mist them twice a day with plain ph'd water. I use T12 flouro shop lights, they are aquarium/grow bulbs. :mrgreen::peace:
I have the clones on 18/6 with the mothers and the rest of my babies. I took 4 more clippings tonight, and because i don't have room for the humidity dome, They are in large zip lock bags. Its actually working out great, and easy to control the humidity by changing the amount of the top that is unzipped.

As far as the Grozyme goes, Im gonna have to check that out. Thanks again for making a new guy feel welcome!


Active Member
i cut a clone with out gel or anything..yesturday it was goin to die..i went back today and it looks much better..maybe its rooting by itself without any gel or powder


Well-Known Member
Yeah, rooting gel or powder isn't required to successfully root a cutting, but it dramatically improves the chances of success and speeds up the process.


Active Member
Is there a better amount of gel to put on the clones? More is better? Less it better? It doesnt matter?
