

Active Member
What's up everyone! This is my first post here as well as my first grow. I have read everything there is to read on growing, but without actual experience, all the knowledge in the world is useless! anyway...

I cloned one of my mothers about two weeks ago. There are no roots, but the leaves are still mostly green and perky. Is it safe to assume that because they are still alive, they will survive cloning? What have you all found the average time for rooting to be? Any advice is greatly appreciated! Looking forward to learning a lot from you all. Thanks in advance!!


P.S. Ill try to get some pictures of my setup posted asap.


Well-Known Member
Whats up Evan I would bet your clones have roots. get a heat mat under your tray and you will see roots faster. Don't get anxious and rip open any of the rockwool cubes.


Well-Known Member
If you did everything properly and have your clone under sufficient lighting, it should take root within 5-10 days. When I take clones I keep them under florescent tubes at a distance of 2" for 14 days. That gives the new plant plenty of time to develop roots and resume growth. Then I transplant them into their regular, full-sized containers and it's smooth sailing from there. Did you use a rooting gel, or other sort of rooting hormone?


Active Member
Whats up Evan I would bet your clones have roots. get a heat mat under your tray and you will see roots faster. Don't get anxious and rip open any of the rockwool cubes.
Hahaha. Thanks man. Im so tempted! Ive been thinking about a heating mat, but I dont really have room for one. Would a heating mat be benificaial for a veging plant as well? If so, I can put it under all my babies.


Active Member
If you did everything properly and have your clone under sufficient lighting, it should take root within 5-10 days. When I take clones I keep them under florescent tubes at a distance of 2" for 14 days. That gives the new plant plenty of time to develop roots and resume growth. Then I transplant them into their regular, full-sized containers and it's smooth sailing from there. Did you use a rooting gel, or other sort of rooting hormone?
Yes, I used Olivia's rooting gel. I also have the plants under florescent lights. I guess im just being impatient?


Well-Known Member
Yeah man, patience is so important with growing. It's sometimes hard to overcome the feeling that you need to be "doing" something all the time to make it grow. But for the most part, you really just gotta step back and let it do its thing.


Active Member
i gotta problem..i snipped the top of my plant off and put it in soil..and i fed it miracle grow..i didnt have rooting powder or anything..but my plant has completely wilted and looks like it is goin to die...why is that


Well-Known Member
Hehe, you can't root a clone like that. Miracle Grow has no business being involved in rooting a new cutting. Miracle Grow is a fertilizer, not a rooting hormone. It won't help you in this situation. You gotta use a vitamin/hormone treatment like rooting gel or rooting powder. This treatment gets applied directly to the cutting before it gets placed in your rooting medium.


Well-Known Member
Depending on the brand you buy, it costs between $15-$30. At this point nothing will help you. You should throw it out and take a new cutting. The end of the clone, where you make the cut, is very sensitive and you have a very limited time window to seal the cut with rooting gel or powder. Unfortunately, there's no way to turn back time to the point where you made the cut and inserted the clone into the soil.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Some clones take longer, I have had some take 15 days ormore to root. I too use Olivia's gel, good stuff. I also soak my rockwool in a grozyme mix before using them. As long as the rockwool is still moist and the leaves are green, just wait a few more days. What temp do you have it? Do you still mist them daily? :mrgreen::peace:


Active Member
Some clones take longer, I have had some take 15 days ormore to root. I too use Olivia's gel, good stuff. I also soak my rockwool in a grozyme mix before using them. As long as the rockwool is still moist and the leaves are green, just wait a few more days. What temp do you have it? Do you still mist them daily? :mrgreen::peace:
Thanks for the reply! Ya, i'm on day 17. My night time temp is in the mid 70s and my day time is in the low 80s. No heating pad. I had them in a humidity dome for about a week and a half, and than took them out. my humidity, outside the dome, is about 60 on average. I soaked my rockwool in distilled water ph at about 5.8-6.0. I do mist them daily. Tell me more about this grozyme mix. Ive never heard of it.


Well-Known Member
Tell me more about this grozyme mix. Ive never heard of it.
He might be talking about Hygrozyme, which I also use on my plants. It is an enzyme complex that assists in breaking down nutrients and making them available to the plant. It also has the added benefit of breaking down and digesting older, dead roots preventing root-rot. It's a bit on the expensive side, costing about $40/qt, but in my opinion it is worth the money. When I first started using it, I did a test to see its effectiveness. I treated only one of my 15 plants with it throughout its entire life. That one plant grew faster and more robust than all the others, and it yielded about 10% more than the next biggest plant. Since then i've been a big Hygrozyme supporter.

Here's a link to the Hygrozyme website.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
Thanks for the reply! Ya, i'm on day 17. My night time temp is in the mid 70s and my day time is in the low 80s. No heating pad. I had them in a humidity dome for about a week and a half, and than took them out. my humidity, outside the dome, is about 60 on average. I soaked my rockwool in distilled water ph at about 5.8-6.0. I do mist them daily. Tell me more about this grozyme mix. Ive never heard of it.
"Grozyme" is a horticultural enzymatic formula. Made in Canada even, lol. It adds enzymes and such to the rockwool or use it with your nutes, you can get it at any hydro grow shop. Do you have the lights on them 24?. Wipe all extra moiture from inside the dome too, i do this when I mist them daily. The first couple of days, I mist them twice a day with plain ph'd water. I use T12 flouro shop lights, they are aquarium/grow bulbs. :mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
"Grozyme" is a horticultural enzymatic formula. Made in Canada even, lol. It adds enzymes and such to the rockwool or use it with your nutes, you can get it at any hydro grow shop. Do you have the lights on them 24?. Wipe all extra moiture from inside the dome too, i do this when I mist them daily. The first couple of days, I mist them twice a day with plain ph'd water. I use T12 flouro shop lights, they are aquarium/grow bulbs. :mrgreen::peace:
I can't determine if "Grozyme" is the same as "Hygrozyme". Like I said, I use Hygrozyme, and it is also made in Canada, and is also a horticultural enzyme formula. I'm thinking we're talking about the same product here. If not, i'm sure they are least competeing products.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I can't determine if "Grozyme" is the same as "Hygrozyme". Like I said, I use Hygrozyme, and it is also made in Canada, and is also a horticultural enzyme formula. I'm thinking we're talking about the same product here. If not, i'm sure they are least competeing products.

Ya probably the same type of product. It is expensive. I am in Canada and pay $37.95 for a 1 litre bottle. :peace:


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
damn it wasa beautiful cut gonna have to get some rooting gel then..damn
I use Olivia' gel, good shit. A thing I have picked up over the years too is, when I cut the the clone i stick in the tub of gel, keep cutting and putting them in there. Once the tub is full I stick them in the rockwool. think it might help, idk, saw it on a video years ago, lol. :mrgreen::peace:

It sounds like the same thing. How has your experience been with it? I love it.

I like it for sure. I have done trays with and without and definatly se a difference. The ones without had yellowing leaves. So now I use it always. :blsmoke: