Cloning worries

Little Sister

Active Member
I started some clones a week ago and have them in a propagator (the plastic dome deal) with a heat mat underneath and florescent lights, 35 watts, about six inches above them--the height of the propagator. Some of them are starting to look yellowed on the ends of the leaves and I'm worried about them. I cut the clones underwater with a sharp razor and then dipped them in Olivia's rooting hormone, so I don't think it's the embollism deal, but maybe they're overly wet? How long should I leave them in the propagator? Any ideas?


Well-Known Member
i've read that the tips of your leaves will yellow when your cuttings are starting to grow roots.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
HI sister..

7 days in a propogator ... you should see some roots NOW.. or very soon...

can you post a picture..


yes, yellow leaves on UNROOTED clones are common... even healthy clones


Well-Known Member
If the lower leaves start to turn yellow and die, don't worry, it is perfectly normal. It is the plant feeding off of itself to sustain life, moving valuable nutrient and water from the older growth. Do not remove any dead growth until the plant is well rooted. If you remove the dying growth the plant can starve and die completely.

Little Sister

Active Member
Thanks for your replies. As an update, I took the worst looking clone out and gently brushed of the soil to see if there were roots. There were none. So now I'm doubly worried. I read that in propagators, there's a problem with mold and fungus from too much humidity, and that some people use a product called "No Damp" to control it. I can't find that product in my town, but is there something else you'd recommend? Should I leave the propagator top off for a certain amount of time each day to control possible mold, do you think?

Garden Knowm, if I want to post a picture of the plants, do I click on Go Advanced?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Make sure the dirt is just moist then just lightly mist 1 to 2 times the dome for 10 minutes twice a day to refresh the air.Use good soil Miracle grow moisture control has never failed me for soil clones or moms.Dont over spray.Make sure the bottom of the dome isnt getting 2 hot from the pad as too hot will stop rooting.I like to stick a few pencils or such inbetween the mat and the tray to give air flow and keep direct heat off roots.Breath into the dome a few tmes if you can during the day little co2 boost is always good to.Just dont over water them


Well-Known Member
I also rinse my humidity dome out every other day. Don't know if it helps or not.


Well-Known Member
Howdy Little Sister , I'm in the same spot as you at the moment. I'm not even using the plastic dome either. My 3 clones are in miracle grow moisture control. What are you using? Rockwool?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You guys have any pictures to see what they looking like?..These are 4 day indica clones roots just popping out of the cube bottoms

Little Sister

Active Member
Hi Filthy,
Your clones look a lot better than mine. I tried to attach a photo but had some problems. Anyway, I'll try the pencil trick; maybe they are too hot.
