Cloning with Subcool ( Redundant Explanation with Pictures)

how important is ph of the water you wet your rapid rooters with? Ive been told for clones you should use a low ph in the 5.5-6 range but since i didnt see any mention of it i was wondering how important it really is. Thanks alot for the great cloning explanation when i do take clones it will be very similar to the method you explained above.
If I were using your cloning technique what size veg room would I need if I were running two 600 watt HPS for flower? I was thinking a 250 watt MH would do the trick what do ya think?
You would need a decent sized room.Different stages of growth in different areas on dif,cycles.Plus all the supplys Long way to go!!!!
Thanx Sub,this has daunted my thoughts,till now.Cuttings(3D,JB)were taken the day b4 the switch,I used perlite instead,so very easy.
excuse me if this question is stupid but i havnt seen an answer for it yet anywhere. I know that one could clone the cutting that was topped, but everyone keeps saying to use cuttings from low down on the plant and how they continuously take cuttings from a mother plant. But i dont really understand that- if u kept cutting off the bottom branches how could u keep a mother plant for multiple years and keep getting bottom branches
so do you wait until a seedling goes all the way into veg and starts to show preflowers, right before flowering, and clone the females? or do you take clones from all the plants and flower them and then toss the males that are still in veg? i am growing from seed and hope to clone soon, should i wait for preflowers (right before i flower) to show to take clones. preflowers show right when the plant is ready to flower correct? it is about 8 months after seeds have been sprouted if im not wrong, correct? should i wait for preflowers to clone, then send it all into flower?
how important is ph of the water you wet your rapid rooters with? Ive been told for clones you should use a low ph in the 5.5-6 range but since i didnt see any mention of it i was wondering how important it really is. Thanks alot for the great cloning explanation when i do take clones it will be very similar to the method you explained above.

I have always thought and still do correct me if i'm wrong Sub,The reason you ph the RR or Rw to 5-5.5 is so that the plant does not take up Nitrogen .Nitrogen inhibits root growth to an extent.I foliar feed my clones with a very light nute spray at 6.8 In doing so im feeding the clone and nudging the plant to stimulate root growth.Sometimes they root fast sometimes they dont.I think that the most important thing about cloning is temp and humidity.If its below 70f i wont even attempt it.Ive seen old school guys just tear cuttings off and just dip them in powder,not gel and just shove em in the ground and get 80 percent rooted.The longer ya do it the better you will get.Peace and good luck Bros:peace:bongsmilie
I just wanted you guys to see that this ghetto tech method actually works very well.
Its been 7 days since I placed them in the box.

Best temps are between 75-80
If you don't have a thermometer then you don't know your temps.
Do Not guess!!

Whats the best method to adjusting the temp of a clone box

also whats the best light schedule for clones 18/6?
Hey Sub! I just got the latest issue of CCMM (hope it's not the last one!). Anyway, I saw your article in there and wanted to give you congrats on the ink. I haven't read the article yet but I will today.
I don't have a clue if anybody is still reading this thread but I just did. And this old outta touch guy has a hard time following all the acronyms u al use here CCMM? OK, right, I don't get it so have a chuckle on me but there translation forum? Glossary ppp? Point in the right direction at least....we're just growing pot here right....Thanks Sub for your inspiration and sharing "OLD MEN ROCK" Too!
I don't have a clue if anybody is still reading this thread but I just did. And this old outta touch guy has a hard time following all the acronyms u al use here CCMM? OK, right, I don't get it so have a chuckle on me but there translation forum? Glossary ppp? Point in the right direction at least....we're just growing pot here right....Thanks Sub for your inspiration and sharing "OLD MEN ROCK" Too!

i think they mean cannibis culture mag.

hey sub..why do you cut the leafs?
i think i can answer the question someone asked about how can you keep cutting off the mother. Keep a clone to use as the replacement and so on and so on. Exellent thread thanks Sub.
when should clones get their first light feeding? foliar feeding right?

Mine are about 8 days old and have started showing some roots.

What ppm feed should I give them? 100ppm?
how subcool nice thread. i was wondering how long does it take until you start to see nice roots like the pic you have?