cloning with powdery mildew

if you were to take a clone from a plant that had a very small amount of pm would tha clone have it too, even if there is no visible signs of it on tha cutting?.. i was jus about to take some cuttings when noticed it:wall:..

so i noticed 1 lil spot on a leaf so ripped it outa there,im bout to give them a spray with some serenade but do i need to ph tha water i mix with it??


Active Member
Never propagate diseased cuttings, it is only asking for trouble. Clean up the problem first then take cuttings from the newer growth.
thats what im tryin to do, im bout to spray them now but there is like none on it like i said it was only 1 lil spot on a leaf im jus not takin a chance..
so if i spray them good an wait like a week or so an still dont see anymore pm should it be fine to take cutting..? and should i ph the serenade?



Well-Known Member
1 part Milk to 9 parts water works for Powder Mildew. A week or two should clear it up, then take the cutting.


New Member
you are asking for trouble if your even considering taking a clone from a pm infected plant. i made the mistake of taking a mother that showed no signs of pm,(should have known better) then sure enough it popped up a week later and infected every plant in the room. needless to say i dont take cutting from ANYONE and if you have pm in veg and think its under control, just wait till flowering, if given the right conditions it will pop up. its almost like herpes fro the plant as you can manage but never get rid of it. but most will still finish the grow and disperse moldy herb because most people buying dont even know what it is. just tell em its not bad, just on the leaves.....
ive heard pm was a disease of roots but it shows on top of the leaves...
so even if i got it all cleared up an it was gone for awhile, an took some cuttings that dont have any on them at all..then got rid of big plants clean an scrub the whole grow area.. will the clones grow a new healthy root mass or would it be infected by it still?

i was really tryin to clone this strain but i dont want pm forever...


Well-Known Member
Powdery Mildew
Like many fungal problems, this one lives on the outer surfaces of the leaf but sends little “roots” (actually called haustoria) down into the cells to feed.
Milk is another very effective spray for powdery mildew. Mix the milk at a ratio of one part of milk to nine parts of water and spray weekly.Sulfur sprays work good too.

So no not on the roots, but spores that cause a gray-white powdery dusting on the leaf surface. If you get it handled then clean real good you should be OK.



New Member
ive heard pm was a disease of roots but it shows on top of the leaves...
so even if i got it all cleared up an it was gone for awhile, an took some cuttings that dont have any on them at all..then got rid of big plants clean an scrub the whole grow area.. will the clones grow a new healthy root mass or would it be infected by it still?

i was really tryin to clone this strain but i dont want pm forever...

just be aware that you took clones from a infected mother, and will always have a chance for it to pop back up if given the right conditions. its your call.