Cloning using just water?


Well-Known Member
can you really clone just by putting it in water and shade until it grows roots?

or is it better to use the root solutions?


Well-Known Member
have you tried it that way and it just didnt work or....?

I guess Ill just get some root solution stuff


Well-Known Member
they sell airstones at walmart in the aquarium department, near the pet stuff.
or anywhere that sells aquarium stuff..


Well-Known Member
you can do it. and it will work in due time.
but time is the name of the game. and a good
sucess rate of cuttings developing roots is important too.

Take a cup that nots clear, you don't want any light to get in
I wouldn't use tap water "city water"
use distilled or Well water.
fill the cut with water, put a piece of plastic wrap on top
poke a little hole for your cutting
put your cutting in the cup
put the cup in a warm place not to warm you only want the water
temp to be a max of like 86, if it gets to 90 your pretty much screwed
and not to much light.
You need to change the water like ever other day
you need to mist the cutting every day with water
or a week foliair spray.
some are gonna die some are gonna root, but it's gonna
take a while for it to happen so don't hold your breath. if it take
14+ days.....
You can use Willow branches to make a rooting solution
I've never tried it but i heard that it works.


Well-Known Member
Its my first grow, I got two plants, a GDP and a trainwreck. The trainwreck has about 18 branches, so I wanted to make only about two clones off it. Any cheap way to make it work the first time? Good rooting solutions or anything?


Well-Known Member
You can clone in just water. If you do it properly, you will see near 100% success.

I cut a few clones 3 weeks into flower, no rooting hormone, and stuck them both in a cup of water and left them under some cfls. They all rooted.


Well-Known Member
awesome! Thank you. I just started flowering a few days ago, so Ill wait a few days to make a clone. Should I just throw it into 12/12 right away?