Cloning questions


Active Member
So I have been reading about using honey as a rooting gel, Has anyone tried this? Does it work?
I know I can just go get rooting gel, but this is just out of curiosity =)


Well-Known Member
seeing how you technically need no rooting gels or powders to start with....

i can see people thinking it works...sure.
you should try raw coconut nut milk's just a fat ass seed anyways...gotta work good too
hormones and such blah blah

any reason you would pass up 3-5 dollar rooting powder at the wallmart?


Well-Known Member
No reason, just curious. So you can clone without any gels or powder? how so?
Just make a simple homemade "Bubble Cloner" out of:
An Airpump, and "tubing".
A couple of small Airstones.
A plastic "Coffee Can" with a snap-on lid (I use Folger's).
----filled with "just plain water", suitable for growing.

The "holes" in the lid can be anything from simple 1/4" holes (to let the stems dangle through) to larger holes for foam inserts. The "Folger's" coffee cans I use have a recessed, high-top, lid; that allows you to put the lid on "up-side down" without snapping it on (there is very little "side splattering" this way!).

That's it! Just "cut" the clone, as usual, and stick it, about an inch, into the bubbling water. Just plain water, no rooting hormones or nutes!


Active Member
And how long before roots would begin to show this way? Sounds very easy, with that what the point of the hormones? Quicker maybe?
So I have an aerogarden with my own fancy air pump in it, I could root clones in there using just water?

4 the love of ganja

Active Member
i cloned with just coco coir starter plugs and RO water and a 6$ humidity dome from target they rooted in a week the hormones are not necessary its just to make it root faster


Well-Known Member
i was in a store few weeks ago seen some rooting poweder, i got it, i have my clones in a very small dwc cloner and in bout 7 days mine root. useing just plain ol city water. oh i got a dome over mine also
I just wanted to say in a cloning thread here that I have tried every kind of cloning medium except for the ez cloners but have heard mixed reviews to say it nicely. Ok to start with I hate oasis cubes, and its funny at first I thought they were bomb. First box taken looked amazing, no drooping, just brilliant looking plants. The problem is the Oasis cubes hold waaaaaaaay to much water and if you squeeze them they will really become dense. I tried to cut them down to a smaller size to encourage drying, not happening. The still weren't rooting fast enough and I was getting damping off which I NEVER EVER get. out of a whole sheet and 48 clones 0 rooted in 3 weeks each box. Like I said they would just sit they're then get funky. Rockwool is much better but still problematic, the 1.5' were what I used but I think the smaller the better with rockwool so the 1' would be the best in my mind. They did ok but just took too long, and I use a heat mat and keep ideal conditions, over the course of these tests I found something that can help people. THE DISTANCE OF YOUR LIGHT SOURCE IS KEY TO YOUR CLONES NOT FALLING OVER. I cannot stress this enough, its so true. I have 2 foot 25 watt single t5 above each tray and I like it at least 12 inches preferbly more starting out. If you have your light right on top of your clones as soon as they are cut and they are getting limp and not reaching for the light, thats why. The RW took right at 17-20 days for a whole tray to root, (I use clonex gel by the way on all). Finally, the Organo starter plugs THE KING!!!! Soak in 1 ml per gallon GH micro and floralicious with great white. I used this for all around soak. Ph to 5.8, With the organo plugs I see roots by the 8th DAY and at worst 12. Thats a huge improvement, not to mention 100% success rates. You need to check the plugs when you buy them, if they are rubbery and stiff DO NOT USE THEM, find others.