cloning question


Active Member
alright i know it takes about two weeks for roots to grow
but about how long does it take a clone to grow completely in hydroponics

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
Hello Master...

You can clone a plant (take a cutting) put it in a rockwool cube.. using cloning gel/powder and a CFL for lighting... the clone should root 2-7 days...

Then you can flower, whenever you want.. you can veg for 48 hours or 48 days..

depends on the number of plants, grow space, GROW LIGHT, medium... etc...



Well-Known Member
when cutting clones, what are the best cutting sites on a mother plant? can u just slice off any leaf and stem near the main stem, stick in root gel, then in rockwool, etc.?


Well-Known Member
hmmmm...yea i've just been having some cloning issues but I think I've kinda half assed my attempts up to this point...