cloning question


Active Member
i have some bagseed sprouted they look real good questionwhen to clone? if ilike it i want to clone it but from all ive read that i should clone before flowering. problem is i cant tell sex until flower. will i be able to take good clones if i wait? should i put them back into veg after they sex for me? need help on this one as the plants sure look nice right now.


Well-Known Member
it really depends on size, you need some healthy lower shoots to take away and root. i recomend 5 weeks veg under good lighting, however if you got a nice clone dome you and clone some tiny cuttings


Well-Known Member
Usually if you have 2 plants you take 3 clones from each... out of the 6 clones you take 1 from each plant and flower it. Then if you have male you destroy them that clone the other 2 clones from that mother plant and then the mother...father plant... Then destroy that one female clone that you flowered and veg the other two then when they get to size you flower the 2 clones and then take 2 more clones from the mother plant while you flower the first 2 clones.

You usually want the main plant to get pretty big (normal flower size) and then take you're clones.


Well-Known Member
clone up to harvest mate
^^^ not a good idea, clone either in veg or up to the first week or two of flower.. then u shouldnt have problems with success rates, hermies and prolonged rooting periods... but to make it easy just clone before flowering as u cant go wrong there

listen to Chronic P, that technique is a good way of continuing your best/favourite strain... just be sure to label your clones :peace:


Well-Known Member
take ur clones and move em somewhere so u can veg the clones and flower the mamas, if a plant is a male just ditch the clones u got from it, just make sure u keep the clones alive since its not a good idea to take more when ur plants are flowering