Cloning Question. Different media

Hey guys,
quick question.

I am currently using an aero cloner and its my first time using it and so far after 2 days things are doing semi ok. Little scared though.

I'd like to have a plan B though.

Alot of guys seem to have good success with cloning in rockwool, so if I were to do that and then wanted to put my clones into clay pebbles in a flood and drain tray, could I do this or would the roots be stuck in the rock wool?


Active Member
I use bubbleponics with a 100% success rate. Aero is similar. I would bet your fine. first couple days they will be wilty, but will pick right back up!

So you know, All I use is a tupperwarr tub with holes cut in the lid that hold the rubber inserts for clones. 2 airstones to make bubbles which land on the cut stem. I don't let the stems sit in the water. The popping bubbles throw off more than enough water. I cut my clones at the node, scrape 4 sides and dip in cloning gel... only nutes I use is a bit of Liquid Karma to ease stress and give em somthing to thrive on, but a very weak mix I make. thats it.. into the bubble tub they go.. humidity dome for about 3 days with some misting.. and a flourescent shop light not to close at first... 100% rooting take... easy breazy 7 days till roots start to show. I stop misting the plants after a few days so that they will be more inclined to grow roots for more water than just sit by taking in water from their leaves.

Good luck... I bet yours bounce right back.. unless somethin gis really outah whack.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I cut my rockwell into 2" x 2" x 3"h cubes. When placing your rooted clones into your F&D tray do so when it's in the flood cycle. Cup the cube with both hands and push into the rock. After removing your hands gently push the rock evenly again from where you disturbed it. I usually have a single layer of gravel over my cube after I have the plant inserted into the table(or tray). My gravel is between 6-7 inches deep in an eight inch deep, 3ft x 3ft tray, or as I call it, a table.