cloning problems


Well-Known Member
hi guys i have clones which are 17 days old cut from mother and still no signs of root.
they in jiffy pellets under 250 cfl bulb and i spray them 1-2 aday with clone start ive opened
both vents coz one clone has a bit of mold on leaves. recent temps has been around 56 now back
to 72. is it just a waiting game for them to root or is there somthing else wrong. i also used a cloning
gel called gel4plugs. usually use clonex but tried this one instead. any advice would be really helpful
cheers guys peace!!!!!!


The rooting hormone should not matter , you can clone sun-flowers in a glass of water,
They may have gotten a little cold and the mildew you described won't help , they need fresh air , lack of and they will go bad,
Don't keep the pellets to wet , but never let them dry out,
Get hold of 1 , if you give it a little pull to see if it has bitten into the soil/coco(depending on jiffy pellet),
After 17 days , if it's loose to pull out i would start over...
Cloning is not rocket science , just daunting in the beggining...


Well-Known Member
thanks outlaw for your reply. i will check em now like u have said if they have
not bitten into pellet. i will have to throw em and start over:sad:


Its ok if you have to start over , they can be ready in 10-12 days ,
Remember keep it simple and nice and warm with fresh air.
A drop of milk into a litre of water is great for treating mildew ,
Also i find giving them an hour or 2 dark everyday helps to bring them on.
Good luck . . .
If you use the milk spray it on the clones.
Another good trick is to use a razor blade and make small cuts in the side of the pellets through the cloth surround,
This helps the roots get through and offers up some air flow.

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
thanks outlaw for your reply. i will check em now like u have said if they have
not bitten into pellet. i will have to throw em and start over:sad:
Don't throw out. Temps needed to be a little warmer than 50s. I have 100% clone rate by dipping in rooting hormone, placing in a cup of water and setting in a window seal. I leave water out for a day before using. You may also want to check water temp on clones. If cold, make it lukewarm. Good luck!


Its true that they do not need much light,
I always mist before rooting as they have no way to take on water except through their leafs.