Cloning problems


Active Member
I have noticed my average rooting time for my clones is 2-3 weeks. When I read on the forums, I hear everyone talking about 7 days. What am I doing wrong?

Here is my setup:
ph 6.0
I use a bubbler
Air temperature is between 70-75
clones in rockwool

rockwool soaked in 6.0 ph

My concern is the water temperature. the temp is 65-70, usually on the lower side.
This is suppose to be easy why am I having such trouble

Learning all the time

Active Member
this is a question better left for newbie central, but here you go...the air temp is good, i try to keep 75 constant, but it's difficult I know. your water temp for soaking should be somewhere around 71. clip your clones, scrape, dip, poke them into a new hole in the rockwool. then go directly under the dome. keep the dome under 24 hr light and the RH above 90 for the first 2 days, 80 for the next four days and after that you should just spray once a day or so but, keep a hygrometer in there all the time so as to know exactly what's goin on. other than that I don't wet the rockwool cubes. under the cube tray i cover the grooves in the tray with pure RO water, that's that. but in all honesty, you would have better luck with rapid rooters, IMO they are like fool proof. try them once, you probably won't go back.


Active Member
try getting a germinating heat pad from ur local hydro store, they pop better around 75 water temp from what ive read, and do you mean your using a bubble cloner and rockwool?

Learning all the time

Active Member
btw, don't be afraid to put the heat pad under the tray for fear of raising canopy temps. it's not that warm, it's more radiant and will speed up rooting. it's helped me sometimes during the winter months.

Nubby Tubbs

New Member
i use rapid rooters and vita grow. the rooters like a liquid (gel is best for medium that will wash away). humidity dome and 18 hours of light... lots of spritz. thats my few pennies. best of luck.