Cloning outdoor plants, need answers!


Well-Known Member
I want to take one clone of each each plant that I have (7 plants). I then want to put them ALL into a single 25 gallon pot. I then want to put a screen 10 inches above the soil and SCROG them. My questions:

All my plants are on week 1-3 of flowering. Will the clones veg any after rooting, or just continue to flower and make a .5 gram bud?

Will 25 gallons of soil be enough for 7 clones?

I estimate the first frost here will be late Oct. or early Nov. Do I have enough time left to do this?

Any suggestions or thoughts are welcome. :joint:


Well-Known Member
you dont have enough time to clone n all that outdoors anymore, shoulda cloned 3weeks ago n you would've been good. unless you clone and take indoors.
So what would happen if I did take clones? I have enough time for flowering to finish, would they stop flowering?


Well-Known Member
I cloned in late may/early June and they're only three ft tall so it's kinda late for outdoor, you need those branches for bud.
I would aim for around 10 grams a plant. It is not the yield that is bothering me so much, its the question of will the plants grow any since the mothers have just started budding. I know they wouldn't grow over a foot tall, I just want to throw a few extra grams into the jars.


Well-Known Member
I don't know man...if you can take a single cutting off each plant you got nothin to lose right? Just don't chop the girls up too much.

Takes forever tho like three weeks till full veg, if they're budding longer possibly.


Well-Known Member
I don't know man...if you can take a single cutting off each plant you got nothin to lose right? Just don't chop the girls up too much.

Takes forever tho like three weeks till full veg, if they're budding longer possibly.
That was my fear, they may not have time to finish flowering after rooting and vegging. But like you said, one cutting cant hurt. I will try it.


Well-Known Member
If you aren't trying to preserve the strain, but just add more 'plants', I'd suggest skipping it. There is just not enough time. You're just reducing the yield of the branch you snip off. JMHO.
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That was my fear, they may not have time to finish flowering after rooting and vegging. But like you said, one cutting cant hurt. I will try it.
you could root them indoor on 12/12
by the time they have finished rooting they will be in flower
then take them outside
they will finish a bit quicker and stay smaller


Well-Known Member
you could root them indoor on 12/12
by the time they have finished rooting they will be in flower
then take them outside
they will finish a bit quicker and stay smaller
Good idea but I can not risk growing indoors as there is a lot of traffic in my house. Also the pigs around here are much more serious about indoor grows than a few outdoors.

bud nugbong

Well-Known Member
If they are indoor plants now, I would give it a shot. Nothing to lose right?. If they are outside already, I would just leave them. Probly get more bud if you just leave them on the plant. I don't see clones doing much this late.


Well-Known Member
Good idea but I can not risk growing indoors as there is a lot of traffic in my house. Also the pigs around here are much more serious about indoor grows than a few outdoors.
it would only be a tray/ dome of cuttings not much bigger than a shoe box
and 20w florescent to root cuttings on 12/12 you could fit that in a little box it would be pretty easy to be desecrate
but once rooted you will need to get them out into some space to grow

see mr sunshines example above


Well-Known Member
it would only be a tray/ dome of cuttings not much bigger than a shoe box
and 20w florescent to root cuttings on 12/12 you could fit that in a little box it would be pretty easy to be desecrate
but once rooted you will need to get them out into some space to grow

see mr sunshines example above
Does it help them root? The cfl? I have rooted clones outdoors, i just put them in a mug wuth an inch of water with rooting hormone, then i mist them and put a plastic bag over them with two pin holes. Rooting ocures within 10 days or so.


Well-Known Member
well if you want them to root and stay small and go into flower quicker
as you said you think you are a bit late, you will need to use a light indoor to control the photo period
although i think its just starting to be that type of photo period outdoor in august
i guess you could leave it near a window



Well-Known Member
well if you want them to root and stay small and go into flower quicker
as you said you think you are a bit late, you will need to use a light indoor to control the photo period
although i think its just starting to be that type of photo period outdoor in august
i guess you could leave it near a window

How long will they veg for after rooting? More than 3 weeks? and thanks so much man


Well-Known Member
if you root them on 12/12 they will have pistils and roots and still only be 3 inch tall or whatever the height of the clones you take

as they are clones they are already sexually mature so there will be no delay
its not like running seeds 12/12 from germination
where they can still grow 3-4 ft tall with sativas

if you root clones on 12/12 they will stay small some might only be 1.5 ft tall when finished
the amount of branching and final size will be strain/pheno dependent
indicas will mostly stay very small
sativa doms could maybe get to 2ft still

when plants are very small like this they tend to grow faster as they only have one central cola
without much side branching they will grow like a sog style plant

i think its worth doing in your situation as they are going outside
so its no extra cost to you since the light is free :)

take 2 cuttings from all your girls or whatever
they will grow along side what you have now outdoor
and finish 2 weeks later



Well-Known Member
if you root them on 12/12 they will have pistils and roots and still only be 3 inch tall or whatever the height of the clones you take

as they are clones they are already sexually mature so there will be no delay
its not like running seeds 12/12 from germination
where they can still grow 3-4 ft tall with sativas

if you root clones on 12/12 they will stay small some might only be 1.5 ft tall when finished
the amount of branching and final size will be strain/pheno dependent
indicas will mostly stay very small
sativa doms could maybe get to 2ft still

when plants are very small like this they tend to grow faster as they only have one central cola
once that is mature you can chop
i think its worth doing in your situation as they are going outside
so its no extra cost to you since the light is free :)

take 2 cuttings from all your girls or whatever
they will grow along side what you have now outdoor
and finish 2-3 weeks later

Wow this is great information, I just hope your not full of shit. haha.. I have one last question. Most of my plants are vertical and have very small side branches. Can I simply top the plants and rooot the tops? This will also force side branching for them.


Well-Known Member
i wouldn't do that myself;, i have never been keen on rooting the main cola when i have done this these cuttings seem to take longer
but you can still do this yourself they will still root

when i top plants i normally throw the head away and take some of the middle shoots from the plants
for cuttings these middle ones tend to have the right amount of fleshy/woodiness and root quicker than the head

if you want to top them in early flower it will make lower branches shoot up

i have done this myself, its works fine cuttings will root on 12/12 in the same time frame
but they will stay very small and only yield 10-30 grams each
since they will only stretch for 1-2 weeks some plants might only grow another 6 inches
so its possible you could have a plant only 1ft tall just 1 cola nothing else

if you do 12/12 from seed you can still get 3 oz plants with sativas
because they still have to grow/mature before they flower

i only did this one time and it was about 18 years ago
my reason for doing it was i wanted to see weather seed plants were male or female before i flowered them
so i decided to take some cuttings from all my plants and label them and root them on 12/12 so i could get rid of the male seed plants before they were too big
once they rooted i kept some of the females to grow to see how they turned out, i put them in little pots of soil, they were very cute like little cactus lol

i would not do this again as i have no need, and i learnt after that you can take
cuttings in early flower or sex the plants with preflowers
so what i had done was pointless there are much better ways to determine sex

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Well-Known Member
I took two clones and will take five more tomorrow.
i wouldn't do that myself;, i have never been keen on rooting the main cola when i have done this these cuttings seem to take longer
but you can still do this yourself they will still root

when i top plants i normally throw the head away and take some of the middle shoots from the plants
for cuttings these middle ones tend to have the right amount of fleshy/woodiness and root quicker than the head

if you want to top them in early flower it will make lower branches shoot up

i have done this myself, its works fine cuttings will root on 12/12 in the same time frame
but they will stay very small and only yield 10-30 grams each
since they will only stretch for 1-2 weeks some plants might only grow another 6 inches
so its possible you could have a plant only 1ft tall just 1 cola nothing else

if you do 12/12 from seed you can still get 3 oz plants with sativas
because they still have to grow/mature before they flower

i only did this one time and it was about 18 years ago
my reason for doing it was i wanted to see weather seed plants were male or female
before i flowered them
so i decided to take some cuttings from all my plants and root them on 12/12 so i could get rid of the male seed plants before they were too big
once they rooted i kept some of the females to grow to see how they turned out, i put them in little pots of soil, they were very cute like little cactus lol

i would not do this again as i have no need, and i learnt after that you can take
cuttings in early flower or sex the plants with preflowers
so what i had done was pointless there are much better ways to determine sex

I would gladly take 10-30 grams per cutting. I am in desperate need of more plants, lost a plant yesterday and one was defoliated while flowering; both by horses. I need enough weed to last till next summer, things not looking good.

