Cloning nutrients

Thanks for info, well the lack of light is not the problem then. Mine get basically the same light levels. What is with the clear plastic barrier around the side of the cloner?

That's a barrier for the dry season. I sometimes have to cover the cloner with a piece of clear vapour barrier to keep humidity in. The barrier there ensures that the plastic doesn't touch the plants. I'm not using it right now though, but I do mist the plants once every couple of days with plain water. My basement is extremely humid, but my office where my cloner tent is, is quite dry.
I have tried a bubbler, but not with air stone, just air tube. No success, I do want to try this method, as well as having a water pump with air in take (Venturi or something). did you have problems with other methods before using this one?
I've cloned a few ways, but this set up has been by far the easiest and reliable. I didnt use an air stone first time, but same results imo.
the best advice I can give after 40+ years of growing is always take your final cut underwater. Cut off plant below the node you want to use then i use a bowl of water and place the stem underwater. Take the 45deg cut then into rooting jell (i prefer it to powder) then plant. I use peatpots. I have never fed while in clone stage
This was my understanding too. I used plain water, only 1 out of 12 showed roots after 3 weeks.

I am struggling to make a connection between the change in environment and the roots starting to show in veg tent.

My leading theories are

1. Health of mother
a. Pests (I don't have anything I can see, I will start spraying as a preventive for a while).
b. Nutrients, I know I don't have optimal nutes, but I do have good healthy green growth, I am not sure if nutes being slightly off would cause clones to stunt to this extent.

2. Cloning conditions
a. Rockwool too wet / dry. Trying to fix this with a flood and drain cloner.
b. Too soft lighting, 15W led @ 10cm, is this enough?
c. Lack of nutes in cloning. I am experimenting taking clones in nutrients at the moment.

Thanks for responses so far! Every perspective helps.

As Spec said, clones don't need a lot of light. For many years a 20w cfl per propagator was my go to.

Root zone temp is key to faster roots and could be why your having different success rates.

Where you take the clones from in relation to the plant matters too, lower new growth is best due to the higher level of growth hormones , but that's not to say you cant root tops too.

If you pay attention to the environment and stay clean you will have higher success rates.

If your really struggling then you can get a seed cell tray and propagator bottom , fill every other cell with perlite and add an inch of water to the tray. That will wick up the perlite , means the stem will never be too wet, its not the fastest method but clones can stay alive like that for as long as it takes without stem rot. Also you literally never need a humidity dome or to mist them ever like that. They wont even wilt slightly.

There's so many ways to do it and they all work, just a case of getting the environment right to give them the best chance.
I have seen some very positive results with my ez cloner latley by using pool shock. As temptures rise the cuttings are vulnerable to attack. I read up on it here and give it a go and it works for me.
Super cheap and easy. 1/4 tsp in one gal water then use that mixture applying a shot glass of that per 5 gal of your resviour every three days is what was called for. The research i did even said you can go higher without problems. I have been using a shot and a half measurer in mine every other day and the cuttings are standing tall. I was first afraid the clorine would burn and kill, just the oppisite is what i have seen.
I have seen some very positive results with my ez cloner latley by using pool shock. As temptures rise the cuttings are vulnerable to attack. I read up on it here and give it a go and it works for me.
Super cheap and easy. 1/4 tsp in one gal water then use that mixture applying a shot glass of that per 5 gal of your resviour every three days is what was called for. The research i did even said you can go higher without problems. I have been using a shot and a half measurer in mine every other day and the cuttings are standing tall. I was first afraid the clorine would burn and kill, just the oppisite is what i have seen.
This technique has worked excellent for me. I made an aero cloner bucket a few months ago. 3ml/gal KLN, 2ml/gal clonex, and a splash of pool shock. I haven't changed the water in over 60 days and have 100% success. Just cycle clones in and out and add a splash of shock every now and then.
Bruh. You need literally NOTHING to clone but 0ppm Reverse Osmosis water spraying 15mins ON/15mins OFF with the use of a humidity dome to cover them all.
That's it...
H2o2 I would think might make things more difficult.
But do this for me:

Take a pic of the donor mother plant the cuttings are coming from. Also, a few shots of its leaves if ANY of them aren't PERFECTLY healthy, take a pic of it.
hes right you need gel and humidity post some photos of your setup maybe we can help more