Cloning, need help! Only Experts!


Hello everyone,
This is my second time cloning but I want to have the best for my plants. I have everything to clone except for a humidity dome, so my first question is: can I use plastic bags (the one you use for sandwiches) as a humidity dome?
Secondly, should I cut the leaves into half? I've seen this a couple of times but couldn't really find why they do this.
And last of all are growing pellets way better than using normal soil?
I'm sorry if my English isn't that good. Thanks a lot for everyone who is willing to help me, I'd be very thankful!


New Member
You cut leaves in half to reduce transpiration....
Plastic bags,tupperware,storage totes,etc......anything that holds humidity will work...
Grow pellets???Do you mean Hydroton(clay balls)???


You can use anything clear to cover your clones to keep moisture in. I have tried cloning in every conceivable way and by far the easiest has been the aero cloner. Bubble cloner would work well too and easier to construct. Search the forum lots of " how to's " for both.

My cloning experience says follow these rules no matter what method your using.

1. Use indirect lighting and keep 2-3 feet above the plants. (If they want the light they gotta get some legs to get to it )
2. Do not mist the leaves. (keep spraying them with water and they have no reason to pop roots for water cause your giving it to them)
3. Temps best at 72-75 degrees.
4. Use a cutting with a few nodes. Cut your 45 deg angle just below the 2nd node and remove the leaves from this node
5. Buy some cloning gel, it helps
6. Only use RO or distilled water

Quick and easy method. Mix perlite/vermiculite in a 50/50 blend. Water in with RO or Distilled. Take a cutting, dip in gel, poke a hole in mix with a pen, insert clone, press mix against sides of cutting. Any small container will work. I use the pony-pacs like the nursery. Black plastic, 4 little 2" deep holes.. you know the ones.

I have two $1.00 plastic shoe box size containers(walmart) and use one for the base and the other for the lid. i place them in there and put in the corner of my veg box as far away as I can from the light. The less direct light the better. Water every 2 days with RO/Distilled water. Roots in 7-14 days strain dependent.

Works every time.


Active Member
hey awesome!My second time as well and I am building a little hydro or aero box with some bubble stones or whatever they are called and rockwool.not to steal thread topic but I have a quick and easily answered question I think.Can I plant the rockwool right into my soil when it's time?can't see me getting these roots out safely!sorry again for asking on your thread,.....related topic...Thanx.


Active Member
My first time haha I just put them in soil with some cloning powder,just tap water and 2/4 plants I put 6 in one of those aero garden things and 4/6 have craaaazy roots growing.I like the idea but gonna build my own,bigger and better!first time using rockwool....I like it!


New Member
I use a home made aero cloner, I mist them when I get a chance and never in a humidity dome. Close as you can get to 100% success rate.


Active Member humidity dome huh?.....I assumed that would assure failure for me.The only reason I am bailing on the store bought AG is because I couldn't put a proper dome on it...weird shape,space saver model.I guess the roots do a better job rooting tho if there is no water on the leaves as suggested earlier.


Active Member
no no no listen man you wana clone with an 100 percent success rate when you clone its important to get them into cloner very fast they need humidity to survive since there is no roots take cutting on 45 degree angle dip in water then in cloning solution make sure its clean cut so it dosnt fray so no air will get in stem then put in a solo cup with soil that is moistened already not drowning but moist make sure to water once a week and leave the clones alone as much as possible cut the leaves down a little to encourage new growth and seriosly fuck special clone trays and shit just get a rubbermaid container and mister to spray them with fill the container with wet perlite and a little h202 and cut a whole in the top of container so they can get light but tape saran wrap to it so the humidity stays in every time you open mist it and put a strong cfl over it for light you will get 100 percent success ratio ive never lost a clone this way


Active Member
You... and by far the easiest has been the aero cloner... both.

Works every time.
I gotta' agree. I started using Aeroponics around 2000. Made my own units too, and they worked great. I used white 5" X 5" square fence post and end caps to make troughs with 1/2" PVC supply lines and 180 degree misters inside, centered on each net pot. I sat 3" net pots in the top, on 6" centers. Made these units drain into the reservoir where a pump then would re-mist the roots at timed intervals. Again, Aeroponics ROCKS!


Active Member
i tried i swear 50x before I got one to survive...

it was the first one I put into my DIY 5g bucket aeroponic system. BEST $60 & 2hrs I've EVER spent. now i do 100% with ease...


There is a trick to aero cloners! Try adding 1 cup of ewct to the mix and water your mother 30 mins before you clone her! Works every time! I have had a 100% rate for the last 2 years and i only change my water and clean it every 3 weeks! Bsafe