Cloning issues

Maybe this will help you, I use 1.5" rockwool cubes dry wt. 5gm
After 15 min soak time, Total saturation w/freshwater: 67gm
I shake (snap of the wrist) excess water out about 15-20 times for a wt of 25-30 gm.
then place clone in block. try to maintain this wt..
Depending on the strain it can take 14 days (wifi, thanks aero!) or as few as 5 (koko, thanks Dr.!)
Noting but water to start, you dont want lazy plants.
Hey man! Thanks for those weights, I was considering finding out what weight my cubes should be so I could manage that - you did the work for me. I'll weigh them to check for overwatering.
I like aero cloners, but I will be replacing mine with Stinkbud's ckoner.
Yeah im probably gonna make my own, plenty of diy's on YouTube to follow. There's one that uses just one pump with a small sprinkler head inside a food grade container and that's it.
I think I'll give that a go next, you use that method solely? Ive never seen it written about.
Everything else you wrote in terms of method I do exactly. .

Yeah its strange that nobody else does it the same way as me. I must of read it somewhere though because I'm sure I didn't invent it. Works a treat though.

I have cloned with a lot of methods but never with rockwool, I hate the stuff.
With a bubbler I found I had roots quickest but was always fighting to maintain the PH.
With coco and domes ect I had 100% success but was slower in winter.
Once I started using the perlite and seed tray I noticed it was the only time I didn't have any wilt to start with so I stuck with it.

You don't have to pull clones, although its a method, once your bottom set of leaves start to yellow a fair bit you know that energy has been used to create roots. I think that's something you get used to having an eye for though.

Grandpapy had the best advice with the medium you have at hand right now. I would defo follow his advice
I just used a pond pump, some plugged thick clear tube C-clamped to the outlet, put a garden 360 mister head in that by making a small hole and stuffing it in, and an aquarium heater inside

The fewer parts you use, the more reliable it is.
I gave up on rockwool cloning, too slow, and too high of a fail rate...

I also gave up my clonex, roottech, etc....

Plain RO water, and a pump feeding to 5 misters.... real simple aero cloner I got on amazon for like $40... made into a 3.5gal bucket....

If you gotta use the rockwool/rooting cubes, I would definitely keep the dome on, you want the moisture n warmth, and set them on a seedling heat mat if you can.

Only mist with RO water, or water that has had several says w/ an airstone in it, so you are not just smothering your plant with chlorine. No nutes of any kind either.

Plain, zero water.

With your CFL (im assuming this is a flourowing style single bulb actual 125w, its what I use for seedlings) keep that bitch super close... within a few inches. If using dome, keep it about an inch off the top of the dome.

Put clones in, let them be for 5-7 days before checking for roots.

if u need to add water, again, use O2 infused filtered water, not just tap water... no idea whats in that... baby roots are very sensitive, they want only water, warmth, and dark.
I gave up on rockwool cloning, too slow, and too high of a fail rate...

I also gave up my clonex, roottech, etc....

Plain RO water, and a pump feeding to 5 misters.... real simple aero cloner I got on amazon for like $40... made into a 3.5gal bucket....

If you gotta use the rockwool/rooting cubes, I would definitely keep the dome on, you want the moisture n warmth, and set them on a seedling heat mat if you can.

Only mist with RO water, or water that has had several says w/ an airstone in it, so you are not just smothering your plant with chlorine. No nutes of any kind either.

Plain, zero water.

With your CFL (im assuming this is a flourowing style single bulb actual 125w, its what I use for seedlings) keep that bitch super close... within a few inches. If using dome, keep it about an inch off the top of the dome.

Put clones in, let them be for 5-7 days before checking for roots.

if u need to add water, again, use O2 infused filtered water, not just tap water... no idea whats in that... baby roots are very sensitive, they want only water, warmth, and dark.
Domes on, vents closed, I will move them closer to the light and see what happens, I am only spraying with Distilled water right now, gonna run some fresh RO water through them with some microbes and then leave em for another week.
Oh dear. More bad news, the cutting that looked healthy yesterday that Id put in just pure water turned and the stem bent at a 90 degree angle and had gone small withered and black. The leaves wilted and fallen over too. I cut off the majority of the blackness so a shorter stem now. Put it into the root riot cubes with some clonex and put it in my humidity dome. Vents 50% open and the 3 remaining cuttings aren't looking great.

May have to try a different method, im heading up to 2 weeks in flower now so I doubt I can save the genetics.

Does anyone know if I can air layer whilst in flower?

What you're looking at is my Pineapple Express which I attempted to air layer but accidentally snapped it off.

The bottom right was the main stem which the other three clones came from. Surprisingly it didn't root very fast at all, despite what ive been told about trimming and cutting leaves to stop photosynthesis and aid root growth, the clone on the top right which I left all the leaves on (cut two in half) rooted the fastest.

I expect the top left would have rooted by now by the cube was cut for the air layer and I had no others left, roots are forming slowly but I may abandon it as I have one take now.

The bottom left was next with a small amount of roots showing in the past 48 hours, that has only one leaf with a smaller one which was developing at the time of the chop.

Im not sure what conclusions to draw other than root riot cubes are far superior than rockwool for cloning.
The method I've used with success is as follows:

1" rock wool cube
RO water pH of 5.0
Sterilized razor knife

Make sure your cutting has three nodes above and at least one below before cutting. Cut at a 45 degree angle and dip the tip into a small amount of honey and place in the presoaked rock wool cubes. The honey is a disinfectant and will aid in root formation. You can also use a sterile swab for the mother plant to reduce infection.

Keep the cuttings in a humidome and slightly warmer than usual, I've used a heating mat in colder climates.

Higher humidity
Higher temps
Lower pH

I also don't worry about sterility and have near 100% rooting. But I can't take credit for it. Yes there are DIY ways to make one for less, but there's my time, so I bought a clone king and it RULES! Cuttings are happy from minute one. No rooting enzymes. You could grow 1-4 plants to maturity in it.