Cloning info required


Active Member
Hiya all,

I've been scouring the site trying to find some info about cloning. I have taken clones in the past and have had a good success rate but I wish to tweak and improve my methods as much as possible and maybe gather some new knowledge.

Can anyone please point me in the right direction for a cloning guide, in particular a comprehensive list of appropriate materials and tools? I'm sure the info is out there somewhere on RIU but i didn't find it yet.

Thanks, Peace!


Well-Known Member
There's more than one way to skin a cat.

I use PH (7) water, dash of Root 66, Rapid Rooters, Tray and Dome. Cut clone 45 degree angle cut bottom crap, trim main leave halfway. Swirl around stem end for 15 seconds and pop in RR.

Clones sit in tray with RR in water for 10 days, light 18/6. 98% success rate.

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Hey dude I never fail with this:
Coco plugs into water that's been sitting around for a day or two. Let them hydrate then squeeze most of the water out, poke a hole in the middle with a pencil.
Take cuttings from plant either using scissors or scalpel and drop them straight into a jug of water.

Next remove all leaves except for the top set, and the remainder cut in half.

Next cut the stem on an angle just below a node. Scrape the bottom inch of the stem with a scalpel to remove the outer layer of green revealing a white layer below.

Drop into an organic rooting liquid then into the coco plug and finally into a tray.

When tray is full of cuttings they go into a propagator under a T5 fluro light. The propagator lid is misted then i leave it for three or four days.

I then open the lid once a day for a few minutes. Before a week has past ive had ten cuttings all root, longest has been two weeks to take.

Key thing is temperature 25-28 C
Hope this helps

Born Again Vegan

Active Member
Oh and I wait until my mother is good and dry until I take cuttings and I don't give her any feed for like a month before hand.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for the responses guys. I like the idea of removing some of the outer husk. An inch sounds like a lot but I guess it's just giving the clone more places to send out them roots.

What's the reasoning behind letting the mother dry out?


Well-Known Member
Oh and I wait until my mother is good and dry until I take cuttings and I don't give her any feed for like a month before hand.
I dont know bout this...your methods are the complete opposite of what I do. I take clones 15-20 minutes after watering and I never change my feeding schedule. Been using Biogel lately and having geeat results.20140506_204249.jpg
Cups with NH are Neville's Haze from seed the rest with numbers are clones. Growin like champs.


Well-Known Member
I pull clones 2 weeks before I flip.

cut nice clone from lower branches
cut at 45* angle, score stem about 1/2" down to 45* cut.
trim leaves by 50%
immediately place in cloning solution/gel.
place in aero cloner puck.
ph cloner machine to 5.8
add proper amount of regen a root hormone
8 days later I have nice roots. 13 days later I have HUGE roots
transplant inot solo cups with FFOF soil and water 6.4ph.

in 15 months of growing and cloning, ive only lost 1 clone. I take 20-25 clones every 2 months.


Well-Known Member
SUBLBCs video on production clonning.

I have been using his method for many years
rootech cloning gel
50 sheet of 2'' rockwool
aztec clone dome
inner basket clone tray
bottom clone tray
fill home depot bucket with water add 3 tsp cal mag
add 10 mLs micro and BLOOM
ph to 5.5 (not sure if this is right but works well)
soak25 rockwool a few hours even though they say you dont need to
checkerboard of 25 per tray
cut BIG clones 6-9"
score the bottom lightly with razor then dip in rooting gel
after clonning 25 domes go on holes in domes are closed and the only thing you do is wipe moisture off the inside and place lids back on days 3-10 after cutting them
24 hrs light homedepot or target racks work well for clones/preveg


Well-Known Member
razor, scissors, toothpick, cutting board, iso alcohol, cotton ball and rockwool cubes that been soaked overnight in clonex water phed to 6.0. wipe all down with alcohol take cuts with scissors and dip in cup of tap water. turn rockwool cube over n put toothpick hole to 1/4" of bottom of cube (don't go all the way). cut lower leaves/branches cut bottom on angle. scrape n place in rockwool. into a plastic container of your choice...i use bloom nutes from seedling to harvest so i never have to much nitrogen.
KISS works for me.


Active Member
Awesome u guys thanks so much for all the helpful information.

Hopefully my next round of cloning will look a bit better than my current one (see pic). These clones are 7 days old. One of them has lost a whole leaf and another one is starting to yellow on 1 leaf.

What did i do wrong?
Will these clones make it?

Thanks friends,



Well-Known Member
getting yellow too much water. wilting not enough water. i just switched over from cloning in domes to using a clone machine, its way better. Faster clones bigger roots and less of a chance of pm. i built my clone machine off a youtube for like 60 bucks, but u could by one too. just dip em in gel stick em in your cloner under a flourescent light and 7 days later you will be amazed.


Well-Known Member
I was under the impression yellowing of the lower leaves is the plant taking the nutrients from that leaves in order to grow roots. your not adding any nutes to your cloner machine water, so the pants need a supply of nutes to continue growing.

maby im wrong.


Well-Known Member
i use a homemade aeroponic cloner. cost me probably 100$ all together, maybe a little more if you include the hole saws used.

method goes as this
cut clones as normal, put them into a glass
once they're cut put them all into the aero unit as quick as possible , if it takes more than 5 or 7 minutes just turn the pump on for ten seconds. I use a recycle timer , a cheap one found on ebay, and set it to an even timing (dont even know what the on/off times are)
I try to always use 65 degree or maybe 3 degrees higher temperature water
the airstones and all equipment get religiously cleaned

I take clones, change the res 3 days later (put clones into glass of water while changing res) i beleive the first res change will help get any scraps from taking cuttings out of the water
fresh water straight from the tap is fine for me, there is no chloramine in my water and adding nutes actually makes cloning take longer, and increases the risk of pathogens/anaerobic bacteria

after the clones show roots (after 7-10 days, some way less than 7 days) I do one more res change and add a little bit of root stimulator (algae extract, kelp, and seaweed extract) to encourage any type of microbial life on the roots, then I will transplant into dixie cups with happy frog when i think the roots are big enough

also wanted to add you can trim the roots off if they're growing too long and they will grow in more spots on the stem, just be careful of letting scrap roots get into the clean water.

the way i built the unit i used cleanout tee's so that i can unscrew the cap and slide a bottle brush into it and clean it

the root excel is optional and i don't really think it does anything. The best thing about this is I no longer use clonex or a medium until i know the clones are ready , and it is soooo simple.

no using nutes in the machine water , the plant doesn't have roots to uptake the nutrients anyway, and will use energy from itself (translocation) to be able to put out the roots. Once you see roots if you want you could add some nutes.
t's really all about dissolved oxygen and water temps, and keeping it sterile.