Cloning in Soil?


Active Member
Got a few plants growing, All are Females- luckily!! Just bought some rootech cloning gel! I attempted one clone in rockwool but having a Full time job i couldnt keep an eye on my Rockwool like i needed to, the plant never rooted and ended up shriveling up and died. Im now wanting to try again but place the clone in soil. I would like someone to break it down completely from start to finish on ways that will WORK. Thanks heads up guys!

1st clone.jpg
now what? haha:weed:


Well-Known Member
that cutting you've got is pretty small...take larger ones so you have a good 1"+ of stem to throw down in the soil.

Cloning is pretty easy...

1) cut a 5"+ stem off...cut off the leaves at the nodes but leave the top node and one below its leaves intact
2) put cutting in a cup of water immediately after ^^
3) once you have all your cuttings taken and put in a cup of water take one out
4) scrape the bottom 1.5" of the stem's sides to just peel off the skin a bit
5) cut a 45-60 degree angle off the bottom of the cutting(so you take about .5" off the bottom leaving 1" of scraped section above)
6) since you are using gel just dip it in the gel to cover the 1" of scraped stem
7) poke a hole down in your soil about 1" deep and insert the cutting so the soil level is at least .5" above the scraped part
8) press the soil up against the stem
9) water it gently and put it under a humidity dome. You want the humidity around 80-90% or you may need to raise one side a little bit of the dome to let out some of the humidity

At a minimum of a couple times a day raise your humidity dome to let in fresh air.
Do not use soil that has much for nutrients...its best to use seedling starting soil or a peat puck so it doesn't burn the stem and cause roots to not grow.
Mist gently with PH balanced water daily for the first weekish. The soil should be "moist" but not wet, so you probably don't need to water it.

Depending on how far into flowering the clones are taken they vary on how long it takes to grow roots...the earlier you take a cutting the better the chances of it making roots...

That should give you a good plan of action for cloning :)


Active Member
that cutting you've got is pretty small...take larger ones so you have a good 1"+ of stem to throw down in the soil.

Cloning is pretty easy...

1) cut a 5"+ stem off...cut off the leaves at the nodes but leave the top node and one below its leaves intact
2) put cutting in a cup of water immediately after ^^
3) once you have all your cuttings taken and put in a cup of water take one out
4) scrape the bottom 1.5" of the stem's sides to just peel off the skin a bit
5) cut a 45-60 degree angle off the bottom of the cutting(so you take about .5" off the bottom leaving 1" of scraped section above)
6) since you are using gel just dip it in the gel to cover the 1" of scraped stem
7) poke a hole down in your soil about 1" deep and insert the cutting so the soil level is at least .5" above the scraped part
8) press the soil up against the stem
9) water it gently and put it under a humidity dome. You want the humidity around 80-90% or you may need to raise one side a little bit of the dome to let out some of the humidity

At a minimum of a couple times a day raise your humidity dome to let in fresh air.
Do not use soil that has much for nutrients...its best to use seedling starting soil or a peat puck so it doesn't burn the stem and cause roots to not grow.
Mist gently with PH balanced water daily for the first weekish. The soil should be "moist" but not wet, so you probably don't need to water it.

Depending on how far into flowering the clones are taken they vary on how long it takes to grow roots...the earlier you take a cutting the better the chances of it making roots...

That should give you a good plan of action for cloning :)
I would like to add that clones need little to no light for several days....I usually go 3-4 days. I always go straight to soil.


i also put mine directly under cfl's but i dont use a dome... 100% success with 30 - 40% humidity in the room. i think domes are overrated


Active Member
Thank you guys! I love how helpful ppl are on this site! I looked up youtube videos and there are quite a few! Most are putting their clones in soil less mediums and im wanting to put directly in soil! Im currently using CFL's and lots of them. I currently have 3 plants and they each are getting give or take 150-200 watts, Crazy i know but i was told u cant have to many CFL's. The temps stay between 68-78F. The two strains im wanting to clone will be BillyMazeHaze and Super Lemon Haze!

Billy Maze Jan 22 top.jpgLemon Skunk jan 22.jpgNew Fan.jpg
1st pic billy maze haze
2nd pic Super Lemon Haze
3rd pic shatty pic inside the Cab!


Active Member
also the plants started in 12/12 but now changing back to 18/6 to make some momma's for my clones.
I have cut clones in flowering stage even after they had pistils showing and they were some of the healthiest plants of that bunch. I dont think you need to change the light.


Active Member
Thank you guys! I love how helpful ppl are on this site! I looked up youtube videos and there are quite a few! Most are putting their clones in soil less mediums and im wanting to put directly in soil! Im currently using CFL's and lots of them. I currently have 3 plants and they each are getting give or take 150-200 watts, Crazy i know but i was told u cant have to many CFL's. The temps stay between 68-78F. The two strains im wanting to clone will be BillyMazeHaze and Super Lemon Haze!

View attachment 2017810View attachment 2017811View attachment 2017812
1st pic billy maze haze
2nd pic Super Lemon Haze
3rd pic shatty pic inside the Cab!
I am no pro but that 2nd picture looks like the plant is stretching a bit. I use root cubes and once I get roots I just bury the whole cube and never had a problem.


Active Member
I have cut clones in flowering stage even after they had pistils showing and they were some of the healthiest plants of that bunch. I dont think you need to change the light.

I was planning on Vegging the plants only because i need their life cycle to be longer so i can use my Clones for outside grow, that is after they get their roots and are stable. Its still a tad bit nip outside here so i was shooting for healthy clones making their way outside sometime in mid-late March. Also i dont believe that Plant has stretched as much as it looks in the picture, lol i have cut off a few lower shade leafs on it and the picture makes it look a little funny!


Well-Known Member
Cloning in soil can take quite a while. The plant can appear to be doing nothing at all for weeks, but if it appears healthy it is a safe bet that it is very busy underground, building roots. With a soil clone it is very important to keep it well hydrated above ground also. The easiest way is with some sort of clear dome, but misting several times a day will work too.
I don't clone in soil anymore. I have a couple of 8 site EZ Clone type setups, but am thinking about upgrading to a 30. You can DIY one too pretty easily with a 5 gal bucket and a pump. They work great, and fast. No need for a dome either, although I still mist once or twice a day.


Active Member
Clones seem to root better when the mother was given flowering nutes a day or two before cuttings were made.


Massah's got it right by my experience so far...a good 1-1.5" in the soil... yeah that's right..yup.

I seem to be having good luck with rapid rooter plugs btw... they put a nice firm grip on the clone's stem... hold moisture just right.

anyone know if there' alredy hormone in them? I dont wanna use my powder or gel if there is..


Well-Known Member
You can take a cutting , put it in water , on a windowsill , and it will root.
No rocket science.
I just did it with my Basil :)
My boy does sunflowers.
You can clone anything, even a leaf.