cloning ... help


New Member
what medium are they in?

did you ph the water to 5.5-5.8?

my guess is this...

the moms had a tond of nitrogen in them.

They say, lots of nitrogen will make a cutting take a long time to make roots because it is happy.

What you need, since you have excess nitrogen in them since they are still plenty green...

is more light.

THe light will react with those green leaves and get their little internal factories going.

You just gotta stay on top of keeping the dome moist, but put them under some more light


New Member
i see you are in rockwool

I hear this is the hardest to get roots in

go get some rapid rooters or the jiffy plugs sold at home depot

if plants still dont have roots, carefully re dip the tips in rooting gel, and put them in rapid rooters or jiffy plugs,

keep the lights bright, and i personally only spray the plants once a day, and its incidental when im spraying the plugs they are in.

Spray the plugs once a day and make sure they stay moist.

Spray the dome as many times as you want during the day.

Make sure its at least 70F or more, 80 is ideal.

If you do thse thigns,,, youll have tons of roots very soon, id bet money youll have them in 4 days.



Well-Known Member

anyone who wants to tell you not to make it warm or not to use a dome is an idiot who is bragging about doing it the wrong way and getting lucky...

this isnt a macho man contest to see who can clone in the worst conditions...

put the heating pad back under the damn things

put the dome back on them

if your dome is ever dry, spray it.

if its foggy, or wet, you are fine.

Spray the plugs or whatever the cuttings are in, just one or 2 squirts per day.

Spray the dome as many times necessary during the day to keep it moist or foggy

I root under 4 t5 lights, and i have the light right on top of the top of the dome... they like light... not 100w, but they like lots of soft light.

80 deg is ideal.

And as far as credentials go, ive been told that im the only guy who has cloned TOPS OF PLANTS ... THAT ARE IN BLOOM... on this forum...

so if that doesnt tell you something, i dont know what will.

Theres nothing i cant make grow roots... ive made stems without leaves grow roots... it died... but it still grew roots.

Hope this helps

Now... here is the process to doing this...
Umm, well "ok" :lol:
Sherry, if this is not a "macho man" contest, why the need to go on tangents regarding your "credentials."

My stating I don't use a heating pad or a dome is in no way "bragging." :roll:
For the RECORD, neither is NECESSARY. If you have such the green thumb, try it for yourself.
The fact is my clones have been thriving quite nicely on a steady temperature of 60. Now, the flourescents (only 100 watts) likely aid in the warmth factor, but don't call me an idiot. It has nothing to do with "luck"...I've cloned this way for a LONG time now---never ever even once had a clone die on me. ;-)

And as far as credentials go, ive been told that im the only guy who has cloned TOPS OF PLANTS ... THAT ARE IN BLOOM... on this forum...

I assure you that you are not the only soul on this forum who has cloned the top from a flowering plant. :lol:
so if that doesnt tell you something, i dont know what will.
What exactly was that supposed to tell us??? You obtained a clone during flowering....and lengthened the flowering period in doing so. And?


Umm, well "ok" :lol:
Sherry, if this is not a "macho man" contest, why the need to go on tangents regarding your "credentials."

My stating I don't use a heating pad or a dome is in no way "bragging." :roll:
For the RECORD, neither is NECESSARY. If you have such the green thumb, try it for yourself.
The fact is my clones have been thriving quite nicely on a steady temperature of 60. Now, the flourescents (only 100 watts) likely aid in the warmth factor, but don't call me an idiot. It has nothing to do with "luck"...I've cloned this way for a LONG time now---never ever even once had a clone die on me. ;-)

And as far as credentials go, ive been told that im the only guy who has cloned TOPS OF PLANTS ... THAT ARE IN BLOOM... on this forum...

I assure you that you are not the only soul on this forum who has cloned the top from a flowering plant. :lol:
so if that doesnt tell you something, i dont know what will.
What exactly was that supposed to tell us??? You obtained a clone during flowering....and lengthened the flowering period in doing so. And?
I thank you all they are under 4 40w cool white Bs... they are looking great i use the info from all of you that makes sents... thank 1s again well get back to you as soon as i see good things popping
ok im only used water 1s to mist them someone told me not to mist them
hey man what you need to do is keep that heater on the root zone needs to be warm and humid to produce roots you shouldent have to mist them that often ass long as it is moist under the dome you should be all set use some t5 lighting and you should have roots in no time remember tempature plays a huge roll personally i use a aero cloner that i built myself i keep the ro water in it at 78 degrees i use one 2 foot 24 watt t5 with no dome when you use aero
you concentrate all on the root zone and with aero the root zone stays nice warm and humid not spraying is needed and it takes me about 5 to 7 days and i have roots with no root tone just straight ro water the best way to build one is go to home depo get yourself a 5 gallon bucket with a rubber seal in the lid then cut out
1-7/8 holes in it if you do it right you should get 19 out of it get a h20 pump some spray heads and a cuple of pieces of pvc and 19 2 inch neoprines hook the pump up to the pvc drill holes for your sprayers you only need about three put your neoprines in the holes i use an aerator in mine and a fish tank heater to keep the water at 78 deg. plug in and in about 5 days you should start seeing roots hope this helps you man it works great for me and i have built an interconnecting 6 bucket cloning system so i can clone 113 sites with only one pump


hey man what you need to do is keep that heater on the root zone needs to be warm and humid to produce roots you shouldent have to mist them that often ass long as it is moist under the dome you should be all set use some t5 lighting and you should have roots in no time remember tempature plays a huge roll personally i use a aero cloner that i built myself i keep the ro water in it at 78 degrees i use one 2 foot 24 watt t5 with no dome when you use aero
you concentrate all on the root zone and with aero the root zone stays nice warm and humid not spraying is needed and it takes me about 5 to 7 days and i have roots with no root tone just straight ro water the best way to build one is go to home depo get yourself a 5 gallon bucket with a rubber seal in the lid then cut out
1-7/8 holes in it if you do it right you should get 19 out of it get a h20 pump some spray heads and a cuple of pieces of pvc and 19 2 inch neoprines hook the pump up to the pvc drill holes for your sprayers you only need about three put your neoprines in the holes i use an aerator in mine and a fish tank heater to keep the water at 78 deg. plug in and in about 5 days you should start seeing roots hope this helps you man it works great for me and i have built an interconnecting 6 bucket cloning system so i can clone 113 sites with only one pump
wow thats sounds hella nice ... do yo u have pic of that ...


Well-Known Member
what medium are they in?

did you ph the water to 5.5-5.8?

my guess is this...

the moms had a tond of nitrogen in them.

They say, lots of nitrogen will make a cutting take a long time to make roots because it is happy.

What you need, since you have excess nitrogen in them since they are still plenty green...

is more light.

THe light will react with those green leaves and get their little internal factories going.

You just gotta stay on top of keeping the dome moist, but put them under some more light
The bottom branches root the best. You are sappose to either go light on N or flush and spray them. In three days of flushing and spraying your ready for the cut. The lights should be no more than 6 inches away. Your dome looks tall. Who ever knocks down heating pads is wrong. The medium is sappose to be warmer than your air temps. Heat speeds up chemical activity.
How big are your cuts? Bigger cuts take longer to root. What rooting gel are you using? gel is the best because it spreds evenly and reduces embolisioms

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
A lot of the advise in here was total shit, no names but they know who they are!

Follow Sherriberri and you will have roots.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
out of what i have done i have put clones tho hell and still root all i find is you need light 18-or more hours of light and some soil or a glass of water. IME i have put clones in a clear candy dish with the stems right to the bottom so i can see as soon as roots pop out so i can take it out right away i have had 10+ clones in it and i dont use any domes or rooting powders or gels. i got a old fish tank thats 3 feet tall and just put a clf in there with that clones and get clones in like a week or less. i say find what works for you and work on that, try air cloning is my fave way to clone clones keep growing as roots develop then you just snip off when you have a root ball and put in the ground and cuz it was still on the mother plant its all rdy use to the lighting but it all so depends on the plant some plants take a long time 2 root. not saying i am a pro but i have tryed all the different ways payed for all the products and lost a lot of clones along the way just to find in my case it was all use less for me all i do is cut at 45 dip in water put in soil then under the light water when soil starts drying 5-6 days later 100% of my clones are done. i have even put a clone in a foam disk dropped in fish tank forgot about it next time i looked the roots are so long the fish started eating them. at one time cloning was so hard and did not work for me tell i found what works for me


Well-Known Member
A lot of the advise in here was total shit, no names but they know who they are!

Follow Sherriberri and you will have roots.

Good luck.
ROFL...look, let's recall this is a WEED. The SCIENCE is not in the cloning. Nature alone was bringing this to pass just fine without our heating pads. :blsmoke:

Guys...hello. NO need for ph balances and instruments. GOOD GRIEF.....reality check!!!

Do we really NEED to compare clones?:roll::roll::roll:

If you wish to waste money on the extras, be my guest, but AGAIN, it is NOT NOT NOT NECESSARY. Deal with facts.

Good luck with your cloning. I'm sure they will come along just fine.......heating pad or no heating pad. :lol:

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
ROFL...look, let's recall this is a WEED. The SCIENCE is not in the cloning. Nature alone was bringing this to pass just fine without our heating pads. :blsmoke:

Guys...hello. NO need for ph balances and instruments. GOOD GRIEF.....reality check!!!

Do we really NEED to compare clones?:roll::roll::roll:

If you wish to waste money on the extras, be my guest, but AGAIN, it is NOT NOT NOT NECESSARY. Deal with facts.

Good luck with your cloning. I'm sure they will come along just fine.......heating pad or no heating pad. :lol:

So you did pick up the hint?


Well-Known Member
So you did pick up the hint?
That there are proclaimed guru's giving bogus advice? As Palin would say, "You betcha!!!" :bigjoint:

Somewhere along the road, I will not be the only one enlightening you to the fact that there is no urgency to use a heating pad in order to keep your clones alive and healthy. I think it's safe to say that those of us in RIU land using our computers have the luxury of heat in their homes available to them.

During the winter, I keep my thermostat on 60.......just so happens, I like it chilly, and none of my plants are suffering for it either. I would prefer to keep it at that temperature in the summer as well, but my AC would never turn off if I tried that. My clones are never even the tiniest bit more unhealthy during the simple.

The suggestions of flushing clones???? What the hell is there to flush????
Spray the dome as many times as you like during the day??? So, there's no such thing as overdoing it, eh?

According to your silly logic, it is by LUCK alone that I am able to clone. LOOOOL. Look, I've been clonging for a LONG time now. I have an assortment of beautiful camellias and gardenias.....hundreds of perenials/anuals I have cloned.......NEVER USED A HEATING PAD......imagine that!!!! And I've never even had so much as ONE SINGLE CLONE die.

So, unless this guy is living in Alaska or his home temperatures are exceedingly cold, the heating pad is just an additional cost to your power bill.

Do you honestly not get that domes are not necessary to clone? My opinion is they just waste space, but others like to use them. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is suggesting it is the ONLY way to clone and that if any other should claim they successfully clone "Without" the "dire and necessary" dome/heating pad, they are just full of shit and "lucky."

Had I known he was using rockwool, I would have replied in an entirely different manner. The simple fact was that if the clones were green and healthy looking, they WERE in the process of developing roots. Get it? ;-)

High Time 420

Well-Known Member
That there are proclaimed guru's giving bogus advice? As Palin would say, "You betcha!!!" :bigjoint:

Somewhere along the road, I will not be the only one enlightening you to the fact that there is no urgency to use a heating pad in order to keep your clones alive and healthy. I think it's safe to say that those of us in RIU land using our computers have the luxury of heat in their homes available to them.

During the winter, I keep my thermostat on 60.......just so happens, I like it chilly, and none of my plants are suffering for it either. I would prefer to keep it at that temperature in the summer as well, but my AC would never turn off if I tried that. My clones are never even the tiniest bit more unhealthy during the simple.

The suggestions of flushing clones???? What the hell is there to flush????
Spray the dome as many times as you like during the day??? So, there's no such thing as overdoing it, eh?

According to your silly logic, it is by LUCK alone that I am able to clone. LOOOOL. Look, I've been clonging for a LONG time now. I have an assortment of beautiful camellias and gardenias.....hundreds of perenials/anuals I have cloned.......NEVER USED A HEATING PAD......imagine that!!!! And I've never even had so much as ONE SINGLE CLONE die.

So, unless this guy is living in Alaska or his home temperatures are exceedingly cold, the heating pad is just an additional cost to your power bill.

Do you honestly not get that domes are not necessary to clone? My opinion is they just waste space, but others like to use them. I don't have a problem with that. What I do have a problem with is suggesting it is the ONLY way to clone and that if any other should claim they successfully clone "Without" the "dire and necessary" dome/heating pad, they are just full of shit and "lucky."

Had I known he was using rockwool, I would have replied in an entirely different manner. The simple fact was that if the clones were green and healthy looking, they WERE in the process of developing roots. Get it? ;-)

Pointless post, i havn't even read it.

Have a good day.:mrgreen: