cloning for the first time :)


Active Member
So i took about 30 cuttings yesterday off my white widow, and they are looking pretty limp. i've heard and read how so many ppl do it but i've never seen it, so are they supossed to look like this? flimsy and weak looking?

i took my cuttings properly with a sterile razor blade and dipped them in my cloning gel...i'm using the little cocoa things that go into the trays of the clone dome (can't remember what they are called lol) i've put about 2 cups of water with about a cap full of thrive alive b1 red into the trays and put the dome over it while blowing air into the holes on the top of the dome. i put the dome about 4 inches away from my 2 ft T5 flouro and they look weak as hell...are they supposed to look weak and stuff before they get better?

o and i spray them with a wetting agent and half a cap of thrive alive b1 red
any info would help big time!!!



Active Member
My clones that I cut last weekend tend to wilt a little if the temp in the dome goes too high.Make sure they get misted with a spray bottle several times a day & that the temps dont get too high. I open the vents just slightly when the room starts to warm up & then close them in the evening.I have an occisilating fan on low, blowing towards the dome from about 4' away. They may be drying out too quick if you have a fan blowing into the vents directly. Good Luck.


Active Member
they are startin to perk up!! i don't think a single one of them looks unhealthy! i guess that mix was right... i let em sit with the dome off last night and put it back on this mornin...lookin pretty!! thanks for all the advice! my first successful cloning....i'm a man now!!! hahahaha ....i'm bein goofy now...damn sweet tooth :)


Well-Known Member
Cloning can be very simple bro. All I do is use plane top soil for my pea pot, Cut, Dip in CloneX, and keep a CFL 4 inches from cuttings. I get about 80% success rate w/ this simple method.