Cloning: Do you slit the stem on your clippings?


Active Member
Sorry if this is already posted a million times on this site somewhere I've poked around a bit and still don't know:

Do you slit the stem on your clippings before dipping them in root gel? I know to slice off the lower leaves to create rooting spots and dipping them in gel up to that point. I read one post where someone mentioned also slitting the primary stem on your clipping. Is this normal practice? Bad advice? Personal preference? :confused:

I also read that someone "cut the leaves" of their clippings? I'm so confused? Does this refer to the lower leaves clipped to make root points or do people actually slit the fan-leaves-to-be too? And if so, vertical or horizontal or what? :neutral:

Thank You and Happy 2011!


Well-Known Member
i cut off the plant put into water imediatly, scrape the bottom layer of skin off the plant. Dip into rooting stuff, place into my rockwool circle. Clip the tips of the sun leafs off to premote root growth leave the clone in 78degree temps 24hour lighting till roots. No complications


Active Member
cutting the clone off at 45 degree angle provides enough surface area for roots. Also dont cut sun leaf tips, does nothing but slow down rooting because the plant has to heal those cuts and cant do as much photosynthesis


Well-Known Member
i was told that it tells the plant its time to make roots in a way by activating some chemical that repairs it but all that helps make new roots.


Active Member
I took the clippings and opted not to try this but next time I need to make clones I will run a comparative study on the different ways.


Active Member
Cutting the fan leaves in half is to reduce transpiration loses until the cutting begins rooting. this also allows better air circulation when rooting multiple cuttings and reduces the chances of powdery mildew. Cutting the leaves does not reduce the growth rate while rooting.