Cloning Blueberry - Sea of Green SOG


due to recent help and quick responses i thouht id post another question/query to see if ts just as helpful...

14 days ago i took cuttings from 5 BB mothers. i cut diagonally, dipped in clonex and removed lower growth from the cutting...

i have a 6 inch deep plastic tray and filled with about 2.5 inch of soil, and watered it but not too soggy. any way i buried the stem about a innch deep or so. i have a heater underneath the tray, keeping the leaves misted several times a day annd then a clear piece of perspex over the top.

the problem is i followed the procedure of a supposedly fool proof way of cloning and i still have no roots growing from any of the cuttings. they all look healthy, no drooping what so ever annd im sure there is sign of new growth?!?!?!

but without roots i cant plant them, i plan on growing in SOG method so want to get cracking really!!

any one got any ideas why there are no roots showing after two weeks or apparant ideal conditions!??!?!

thanks again,



Well-Known Member
Blueberry isn't supposed to be the easiest to clone.
It sounds like yours are doing fine though,maybe they just takes closer to three weeks for this strain to root.


Well-Known Member
A good thing to add to your cloning technique should be, once you make the cut. Before you dip it in the hormone, cut up the stem. Splitting it into two. Moisten it, then dip it into the rooting hormone. What this does is give the plant more surface area to produce roots from.

On another note, two weeks is kinda a long time to be waiting for clones to root. About how warm are you keeping the roots?


thanks for the responses...

they are warm, but not hot. i dont have a thermometer at the mo but like i say the plants arent wilting or owt... just no roots either.

i will try that splitting the stem next time altho i read that it takes even longer to do that... to root i mean.

do you reckon just to hold out?

(a side question) do you guys have experiance with SOG method? just want to know abouut yeild per plant on average that you got...
thanks again


Well-Known Member
If they're growing then they'll be just fine.Just don't mess with them too much,young roots are very delicate.Are you just waiting for roots to show through the drain holes?
I usually scrape the stalk and split the stem,I've read it takes longer that way too.
Heres a pic of my sweet tooth cutting after 10 days



thats after 10 days... man i got some learning to do!!!

may i ask how yours is set up? detailed if you have time please


Active Member
Try cutting the lower half-inch of the stem in half, splitting it into a Y,,, Also scrape the green off the bottom half inch or so, this will expose more area for roots to develope.. Also blueberry is a bitch to clone, or so i heard.


so are you saying stop misting them? i do mist them often and theres always plenty of water vapours on the perspex

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Before you take your clones. Flush your moms with 2 gallons of water per 1 gallon of soil/medium. You can also spray the moms down with water. Feed them 10 percent less nitrogen. Only skunks and pure indicas can give clones when they are on hydro ferts.. Put a heat mat under your trays. Clones take 7-21 days before roots show. Do you have a floros over them? WHat kind of SOIL? You are sappose to use SOILLESS!!!!!


its about 5 feet away diagonally from a 600w HPS, and im using a potting soil with no stored ferts in or owt. the moms were flushed too!

like i say i thought i followed the procedure to the tee but must of missed something?!?! i will cut down on the misting now guys.

thanks again.


Well-Known Member
its about 5 feet away diagonally from a 600w HPS, and im using a potting soil with no stored ferts in or owt. the moms were flushed too!

like i say i thought i followed the procedure to the tee but must of missed something?!?! i will cut down on the misting now guys.

thanks again.
You should give rapid rooters a try. They are the shit! :weed:


Hello my friend, I also clone blueberry. For me they are easy to root. My strain is DP blueberry. I cut using a blade, diagnally. dip it for 5 sec in a liquid rooting solution, then i place them in rockwool cubes. Try rock wool cubes soaked in a solution of water a little b52, and organic bloom juice. Now the key part when putting them in the cube is to make sure the medium is tightly pressed up against the stem. In your situation make sure that the soil is firmly against the stem and not too loose. And they have to be in a dome with at least 80% humidity. I once cut clones without using the dome and they grew slightly but would not root. I placed them in the dome and they started rooting, so the dome is really important. Make sure humidity is high even 100% You can also cut the secondary leaves in roughly half to slow transpiration and make them focus on making roots, hope this helps.


Active Member
By misting them all the time....your feeding the plant to keep it alive. so it has NO reason to produce roots,... to get the water it needs live....

Hope this helps....good luckbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I can help you here. I have experimented with every possible way to clone. I tried jiffy pucks imo they suck. I tried going staight into 4" pots which also sucked. The thing is your gonna be curious if they are rooting, atleast i was and after 2 weeks i pulled a few up and they were starting to show the little white bumps, a sign of roots begining. I have found the best and fastest way to root clones is to build a bubble clone tote. For $60 you could have a nice set up. Heres what you need.
1. heavy duty storage tote. cheap ones will bow when filled with water.
2. Black paint or foil tape to cover exterior. You dont want any light or algae will form.
3. A dual port aquarium pump. $18 at walmart.
4. 8ft of 1/4" aquarium tubing. walmart
5. Kids foam building blocks from walmart $5. These will be your plugs for your cuttings. Thats what i used in a pinch and they worked awesome.
6. A timer on/off switch
7. 4 1" aquarium airstones. walmart

You can put as many plugs in the top tray of the tote as you want. I put 12 sites in mine. Run the 1/4" tubing off the dual port pump into the tote and split each feed line with the T pieces that come with your pump. this way you can put 2 airstones on each feed line. Fill the tote/reservoir with water. Ive found that by letting 1-2" of stem submerged in the water works best. I dont scrape cuz it dont work just cut dip in water for a few minutes dip in rootone 1-2" shake off the excess and put straight into the cloner plugs. I set my programable timer to run 15 min on 45 min off. In 7-12 days you will have roots. The great thing about this method is you can check each day to see progress. And you dont have to baby sit them. No more buying cloning pucks and humidity domes. Its the "GREEN" cloner. I dont mist just keep some source of light on them. Once that stem starts looking mushy its gonna explode with roots. I let mine grow out to about 4 inches and pull the out my plugs put in veg. I was putting my rooted clones in soil at first and it takes a few days for them to respond. Now im on a hydro set up. I just like to know whats going on with my roots. Hope this helps and good luck.


wow you guys are very helpful!! just been and checked them now after not misting them since advised not too. id say i would of misted 5 times or so by now since advised not too. humidity is still high though which by reading your posts its a good thing.

well i pulled two out, one had 10mm roots about half inch up ffrom the diagonal cut. the other looked like it was swollen. it looked paler where it is buried under the soil. is this a good sign? maybe the early signs of the bumps? i would say they look bumpy, deffo not smooth...

@ Hotel California.....that set up sounds awesome. id deffo like to give that a go. 100% success rate NICE!!!! perhaps for the next batch of clones i will get it set up if i can get some cash together!!

well it sounds like my problem is sorted out now, thank you all very much!!! i will let you know how it turns out! but if any body else has some other methods they beleive works great then please let me know!

thanks again


right guys. just looked at them again and since i stopped misting things are speeding up nicely. just looked at 6 clones and 5 were rooting! 20mm or so!! THANKS everyone!!

but i have also looked at the blue berry mother that i took them from. how long does it take for the two new shoots to start growing out of the node below the cut? am i right in thinking this is wat happens?
could some one please enlighten me on what happens in the following three weeks or so after taking cuttings from the mother.

thanks again,