cloning and a heating pad question


Active Member
What's up dude?
I don't know about burning your leaves but you can dry out your growing medium ( rockwool, rooting plugs, oasis) whatever it is that you use & If left unattended that = death of your cutting I strongly advice when using a heating pad to use a thermostat.
Here is the one I use:

++ The way I use my heat pad ++

*I use a solid seedling tray with about a cup of water in it.
**On top of that I set a drain tray. Or a tray that has drain holes :)
***I then set my cuttings on top of the drain tray.
****I clone using oasis cubs. When I soak them I soak an extra cube to insert the thermostat in.
***once I'm done taking all my cutting I give them good spray of water.
***I then feed the thermostat wire through one of the vent holes of my humidity dome.
*** I then insert the thermostat in the extra cube I soaked.
***Set your humidity dome
*** Set the temperature desired on the thermostat & finito!

The water at the bottom tray will help achieve that high humidity you want for clones.

Using this heat mat method will give you happy clones that root faster!!!