cloning aeroponically


hey, im about to take some cuttings from my mother plant. I know to take a branch with at least 4 nodes, and to cut at a 45 degree angle, but when the cutting goes into the aeroponic unit, should the bottom of the branch be touching the water, down in the water, or above the water level, just being misted?


ok, i have 8 cuttings in my aeroponic rubber/foam collars. they are hanging down about an inch and steadily being misted, like good girls should, lol. So, i am reading that some people use a humidty dome to help the process. Should I spray the leaves constantly or every couple hours to help with humidity, or would that be too much? Any input would be great. Cloning lemon skunk, Ice, and Snow white. PLEASE HELP. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
dont spray the leaves ,but make sure theres some humidity should take between 7-14 days . if you give them water why should they grow roots.