Cloning advice needed


Active Member
So, I searched for an answer for this, but I did not come back with many results...

I recently tried my hand at cloning. I took 5 cuttings on Aug 1 and all of them took (lucky me!). I really did it half-assed and used no humidity dome or warming pad or anything. All I did was to mist the leaves at least once a day, sometimes twice. Also, this was from bag seed and I had no idea of sex, so I waited until sex was showing in the flowering stage.

I just clipped them, dipped them in water, then dipped them in the rooting hormone powder and stuck them in a potting soil-filled plastic party cups (red, if that's necessary info). After two weeks of 18 hour vegetative lighting (cfl's), they finally seemed like they had taken root and it looked like growing tips were emerging at the tops. I transplanted them on the 14th to full size pots. Since then, it's been the same lighting, temp, etc.

So, all that being explained, my problem is that the new leaves that are growing look mutated. They look like giant first leaves with 1 or 3 fingers on each leaf. You know how the tiny little leaves look when they first emerge from the seedling? Well, they look like that except enormous. By enormous, I mean in comparison to the smaller 5 fingered leaves of the original cuttings.

It's like it reverted back to the seedling stage but has way too much stored energy or something. My question is: Is this normal? In all the examples of cloning I have found, no one has mentioned reverting back to the seedling stage with fewer fingers per leaf or anything like that. No pictures I have seen look like that either. I wish I could get a pic up for you all to see, but my adapter is lost and I haven't picked up another one yet. Anyone have any experience with these symptoms of cloning?


Well-Known Member
So, I searched for an answer for this, but I did not come back with many results...

I recently tried my hand at cloning. I took 5 cuttings on Aug 1 and all of them took (lucky me!). I really did it half-assed and used no humidity dome or warming pad or anything. All I did was to mist the leaves at least once a day, sometimes twice. Also, this was from bag seed and I had no idea of sex, so I waited until sex was showing in the flowering stage.

I just clipped them, dipped them in water, then dipped them in the rooting hormone powder and stuck them in a potting soil-filled plastic party cups (red, if that's necessary info). After two weeks of 18 hour vegetative lighting (cfl's), they finally seemed like they had taken root and it looked like growing tips were emerging at the tops. I transplanted them on the 14th to full size pots. Since then, it's been the same lighting, temp, etc.

So, all that being explained, my problem is that the new leaves that are growing look mutated. They look like giant first leaves with 1 or 3 fingers on each leaf. You know how the tiny little leaves look when they first emerge from the seedling? Well, they look like that except enormous. By enormous, I mean in comparison to the smaller 5 fingered leaves of the original cuttings.

It's like it reverted back to the seedling stage but has way too much stored energy or something. My question is: Is this normal? In all the examples of cloning I have found, no one has mentioned reverting back to the seedling stage with fewer fingers per leaf or anything like that. No pictures I have seen look like that either. I wish I could get a pic up for you all to see, but my adapter is lost and I haven't picked up another one yet. Anyone have any experience with these symptoms of cloning?
Dont hold me to this... I would really like it if some other guys posted on this because this is just my own opinion.

I feel like when you take cutting that are too small they are just not strong enough to produce healthy plants. When you clip your plants you want them to be the young lush fresh parts of the plants and not the older hard parts.

But even so, when you take young clippings make sure that they are of a decent size.

I like all my cuttings to be at least 5 inches in height.

That being said.... Just hold on alil longer and see if they enter explosive growth stage or not.


Active Member
I don't think this happened due to the size of the cuttings being too small. As I said, I waited until the plant showed sex in the flowering stage and as a result, the cuttings were pretty well established.


Well-Known Member
do believe it sbecause you clones when cycle wa sin flowering reverting from flowering to veg now so new groth is still in flowering ohase fewer leaflets cause puttin energy into flowering thats why wierd growth or less leaflets ... don t hold me to it


Well-Known Member
any chance of a pic. I read your post twice and cant figure out what your trying to describe.


Well-Known Member
I dont think this is it. Many growers take clones from plants that are up to two weeks into flower.

Heath Robinson has a 100 plant vertical hydro system

He dosnt even use mother plants. He just takes cuttings from the 100 plants in the system when they are two weeks into flower. He gets wonderful yields from them.

One thing i was thinking was that you didnt take cuttings from ideal brances. You want to take cuttings from lush soft stem brances. It is not good to take cuttins from areas of the plant with hard stems.

do believe it sbecause you clones when cycle wa sin flowering reverting from flowering to veg now so new groth is still in flowering ohase fewer leaflets cause puttin energy into flowering thats why wierd growth or less leaflets ... don t hold me to it


Active Member
Well, it looks like they are doing fine, just looking a little weird. The number of fingers on each leaf seems to be increasing at each node development like it normally would from a seedling, but just really big leaves as if they were from a full grown plant. I guess I got my answer then, no it's not normal. Obviously something happened during my cloning method that made this happen. Any number of things I did wrong. I'll try to use other methods next time. Thanks guys. Any new developments I'll post.

Muscle Bud

Active Member
I would chalk it up to just a simple mutation most likely. I have had the same thing happen to a few cuttings that were identical to 10+ OTHERS and ended up with huge pre flower type leaves. the plants finished up just fine with huge buds! It was a Bubba Master Kush mother by the way.
Did yours look anything like this???


Active Member
That's it! Finally someone has had the same thing happen. It's so weird. I wish I could figure out what caused it so that I could avoid it next time. I wonder if it had anything to do with the Shultz Take Root in combination with the MG potting soil I use (I know, I know, MG haters). Then again, I wonder if maybe the MG soil alone was just too much for the clones in the first place, I mean they are pretty delicate and they say not to give them any nutes anyway during the first few weeks. Maybe next cloning session I'll just use regular-ass run of the mill sterilized soil.


Well-Known Member
When I take clones from plants in flower they often get all twisted up like this, then they take off like crazy with lots of bud site.


it's pretty normal for the leaves to do that as the plant reverts to veg state. your clones will GENERALLY root faster and with less issues if you take them will the original plant is in veg


Active Member
it's pretty normal for the leaves to do that as the plant reverts to veg state. your clones will GENERALLY root faster and with less issues if you take them will the original plant is in veg
That's definitely something i'm going to be correcting this time around. tomorrow marks the 4th week since cutting, 2nd week of transplanted. they are growing so many nodes so close together. The original mother did not have the nodes anywhere near that close together. they also haven't been growing tall nearly as fast as the mother did but way denser foliage. it's interesting, really. pretty much as soon as can take viable cuttings off one or more of these clones i'll move the original clones into the flower and see what happens.