Cloning a clone?


Active Member
Had a nooB question. Does cloning a clone diminish the integrity of the plant-- like making a copy of a copy? Might be a dumb nooB question, but I couldn't find an answer on here before asking. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
It can, but mutations are rather rare. Keeping a single healthy mother is advisable to maintain the best genetics. Some strains are more susceptible to mutations than others. Just like higher rates of hermaphrodism, it all comes down to genetics.

In practice taking clones of clones should work just fine almost always.


Active Member
Man phyzix you've been tons of help. I have a feeling you're saving me a lot of trial and error with my grow-- my hat is off to you sir, and my plants and I thank you.


Active Member
I guess to answer that question Bonzi we'd need a geneticist who hobbies in photography, jk. Thanks for the help guys, cheers.


Active Member
Seriously, there's documentation that goes back to almost 8000 B.C.? I'll need to see those stone tablets to believe it. Cheers.


Well-Known Member
yeah can clone clones but i wouldnt keep doing it for more then 2-3 grows , the plant can loose some of its good genetic traits "so im told" not sure if this is indeed fact.


Active Member
no cloneing a clone is fine... and the plant wont loose anything........there are thousands of strains out there that are just continious cloning clones


Well-Known Member
I've taken clones of clones of clones of clones, etc. forever.
All the patients in my area do this with no problems what so ever.
Have fun!


Well-Known Member
You can clone clones 50 times without it being different from the mother plant. I haven't read of anybody cloning more than fifty generations from a mother plant.


Active Member
Thanks Mag. I don't think I'll ever clone 50 times from a mother plant or even half of that! Unless of course the mother plant was something super rare, or crazy exotic. Cheers.