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Active Member
last week with quickpay

welcome aboard...your now on the boat of people who recieved the big nothing.

Holmes the great detective...find the elusive APE who Grayskull speaks so highly of...They claim to know these CD people...


Active Member
HAhaha. easy holmes. you shouldnt feel like a dick.. Anyone here ever been to a casino? You just put $125 on black and red came out. That's all. if you woulda won then your $125 = $4375.. And NO before annyone starts i Dont work for them.. Or anyone for that matter.. Kinda wish I had a job. But I dont.. Just following this thread curiously.. But dont get down on your self man.. Cost of doing business.. Im goin surfin. peash


Active Member
Yeah.. That sucks. Man I wanna order myself some.. Great idea and would be a huge moneymaker if handled properly. IF it wasnt so damn sketchy too. Fuckin feds man. Enough with the plant already..


Well-Known Member
welcome aboard...your now on the boat of people who recieved the big nothing.

Holmes the great detective...find the elusive APE who Grayskull speaks so highly of...They claim to know these CD people...

buyer beware in business that is rather on the dark side of things.

i don't know what happened to CD. i feel for those who have ordered/paid and are left holding your penises in your hands.

When I spoke up about the CD folks at the time they have done me right, and felt they would do you the same. Guess I won't be repping them no more...

AND BTW FOLLOWING ME AROUND TO OTHER FORUMS ALERTED ME TO YA'LLs SITUATION (my e-mail notification set to "none")... so thanks.


New Member
Alot of people did receive their orders during the month CD was in business............ then CD disappeared by into the world of the webs...

I think anyone who got anything from CD should consider themselves lucky....I know I do....This idea was a good one it was just to far ahead of its time


Active Member
Fair warning, them are well now scams, I check it out folks and it has a tracking cookies that can poltin harm your system and can track your activitys ??? This is true:oops:


Well-Known Member
they were legit for about a month then nothing. I do feel bad for the people who sent $125 and got nothing, but thats playing the game.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
They only ship to the US... there is one out of Canada that may ship overseas? With priority mail the clones would live, BUT, priority mail + customs may not turn out so well if shipping clones.


Active Member
They only ship to the US... there is one out of Canada that may ship overseas? With priority mail the clones would live, BUT, priority mail + customs may not turn out so well if shipping clones.

Who would risk that....? :spew:
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