

Well-Known Member
I am having a hard time cloning a white widow big bud hybrid. I'm using a DIY hydro and aerator with air stones and clonex. PH 6.5 distilled water (2) 18 inch floresent grow lights
Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
How many nodes (sets of leaves) does your clone have? You need almost 100% humidity and a lot of leaves. The clone uses stored nutrients from the leaves to build roots, and keep it alive during that time.

I do soil so it may be different, but my clones are around 6-10 inches with at least 5 nodes.
I stick them in clonex powder and in a 3liter bottle. I cut it in half and put the top back on leaving the cap loose.


Well-Known Member
you should get a humidity dome even a cheap one from a garden/hydro supplier even hardware store.
Try cloning in rockwool or soil before you try in that enviroment.
the plant cannot uptake nutrients through its ''root system'' yet as it doesnt have one, all you can do is foliar spray the leaves at this point until the roots come through.
If your grow media (coco, soil, rockwool) is too wet the entire time you will just end up with a major case of rootrot.


Well-Known Member
I am having a hard time cloning a white widow big bud hybrid. I'm using a DIY hydro and aerator with air stones and clonex. PH 6.5 distilled water (2) 18 inch floresent grow lights
Any suggestions?
WW X BB by female seeds?
That was my first strain, it's not horrible I enjoyed it but there are better strains. On the upside I found that one can handle some stress.
PH should be 5.5. Why do so many people insist on doing there clones in hydro? Really impatient or something. A normal tray and root riot cubes work wonders
You could prob even take a light away if u want, I just have on on mine right now, but I ussually do two.
I agree the root riot cubes are good. Then you can put them right into rockwool cubes or whatever when theyre bigger. As for the water... I used added a little bit of Vitamin B and Black Label Root Enhancer. Good results.


Well-Known Member
I am having a hard time cloning a white widow big bud hybrid. I'm using a DIY hydro and aerator with air stones and clonex. PH 6.5 distilled water (2) 18 inch floresent grow lights
Any suggestions?
I've been cloning the same thing.

I don't do anything fancy. I just cut the clone on an angle, shave the sides off the steam at the base, split it up the middle, dunk in clone gel and then dunk in clone powder (I like to double it up) then just insert it into a peat pellet that's moist (squeeze out most of the water before inserting clone) I then spray them and close the vents on the seedling tray propagator thing, keep the humidy up high, spray the clones twice daily and spray the lid. About day three open the vents and let the pellets dry, once dry, spray the base of the peat pellet so the bottom gets wet (make the roots seek it out) spray and spray the lid, close vents and just keep doing this sort of cycle.

I have 100% success. I just keep it real simple. Cannabis is one easy plant to clone really, just don't think to much about it.

Keep the temps under 30c and as high humidity as you can get (except for when your drying them out)

I keep my lights 18/6. I also have better success with smaller clones and cut the leafs in half.

Hope that makes sense.


Well-Known Member
How many nodes (sets of leaves) does your clone have? You need almost 100% humidity and a lot of leaves. The clone uses stored nutrients from the leaves to build roots, and keep it alive during that time.

I do soil so it may be different, but my clones are around 6-10 inches with at least 5 nodes.
I stick them in clonex powder and in a 3liter bottle. I cut it in half and put the top back on leaving the cap loose.
Wow your clones are massive. I only take little clones. Maybe a node or two max