

Active Member
why when i got my clone stem was green now after having it under cfls stem turned purple and leaves a lil droopy last one i had leaves sarted to turn yellow and died its bee rooted for over a week now befor i got it it was growing under an hps could the change to cfls be killing it i just need o keep it alive till it stops raining then is going outside i have 6 23 watt 5500k and 1 23 watt 2700k on i rite now whats wrong


Active Member
just looked at it leaves are staring to loose some color idk what im doing wrong ive done nothing since ive got it not even waterd it anyone relly need some help do i need more light i was told what i have should work fine


Well-Known Member
Photos will help here. Also need more info. Soil? Hydro? Nutes? Temps? How often are you watering? Stuff like that.


Active Member
its in promix bx no nutes yet temps around 80 havnt waterd since ive got it still a lil wet idk what goin on its in a half gallon pot a its about 6 inchs tall all the other ones the guy had are doing fine same size pots and all except there under hps idk what goin wrong
Water at correct PH levels? if its too high or low can cause problems and the plant wont drink as much so will seem like the soil is forever wet. could be a number of thing, keep the temps correct the water correct and if you can give a bit of cal mag to give it some strength and you should be ok, fresh air etc.. if your doing everything ok your plant should be ok :)


Active Member
the ph is at 6 ive done other plants under these lights never had this prob i just dont know stumped


Active Member
Most likely the clones were in a higher temp and humidity before going to your place where it would be cooler and drier than where they were before. They just need to harden off is the most likely case. Hardening off can take a couple to few days. Also sudden temprature changes to the roots will cause stress.

Without actually being there this is only my best educated guess as to what is going on though.


Active Member
yeah maybe its the humidity he said his was running high mine is only like 40% im just gonna bring them back under his light till i need to put outside