clones week 2 plz help .any suggestions


Well-Known Member
i have clones that are about 21 days old they have been rooted for about a week and just started feeding fox farms on friday, this is a dwc grow , ph is 5.9 , ppm ( 250 ) , water temp 75.3 , distilled water , 1 8u 250w cfl about 6 inches from top. i dont have my fans on yet .20150712_124647.jpg20150712_124639.jpg 20150712_124555.jpg 20150712_124544.jpg 20150712_124537.jpg 20150712_124532.jpg


Well-Known Member
by rooted a week ago i mean already was showing rootes transplanted into hydroton and net cups and roots are now submergered in the water , my water is an inch below net cups


Well-Known Member
i was using a liquid testing kit at first , ph was a little high since the color code goes from 5-6 6-7 and so forth , got a meter now and droped it down to 5.9, the one tip on the plant on the right is kinda like doing a twist could this be nitrogen toxicity , im only using fox farm grow big and big bloom , with there feeding schedule , week 1 feeding and started at 1/4 feeding but added a little more after a couple days since i didnt see any burn . the roots appear healthy this was a few days ago they are longer now , i did try a lttle superthrive but only a teaspoon to 7 gallons less is more right



Well-Known Member
they were just transplanted in to hydroton last friday not the one that just passed i tryed to be gentle and they grew right away with no signs of stress took about three days from the transplant to the length in that pic so i dont think i damaged them too bad how ever there is a couple above the hydroton that was just way to high i couldnt cover but looks like they shriveled up and died off now


Well-Known Member
they were just transplanted in to hydroton last friday not the one that just passed i tryed to be gentle and they grew right away with no signs of stress took about three days from the transplant to the length in that pic so i dont think i damaged them too bad how ever there is a couple above the hydroton that was just way to high i couldnt cover but looks like they shriveled up and died off now
The leaf damage looks like signs of root rot, would check into this 1st. If everything looks clean and white, check into PH, if that seems ok, I would clean out your system and go with a fresh PHed water and give it a few days before feeding them.


Well-Known Member
ok thanks... fox farm big bloom is brown , turns my water brown so obviously my roots have a brown tint but if i spash it it drips right off, so i dont think its root rot, newest growth seems like its looking a pretty normal color still a little droopy tho , i think ill give it till tommorow with a nice steady ph and if that doesnt work ill switch the res to distilled phd water for a few days , some of my roots are about a foot now after going downstairs to check on them for rot, shouldnt they be mature enuff at this point for a light feeding?


Active Member
not sure how clones work but I always run my fan itll help strengthen up the stems good luck wish I could help more! but if I was having these issues they would be in some happy frog or doc farm soil makes it easier imo.


Well-Known Member
first time i tryed to turn my fans on in my room my freshly cut clones i had in my bubble cloner they fell over and died by morning, and i have 6 day old clones with nice root bumps sharing the room with these 2 older clones that why i havent kicked on the fans yet, the fans would kill the humidity and my new clones wouldnt make it,once they root i was gonna give it a new clones look like shit too by the way lol they are in a race for time to root before they eat all the greenery i dont think i misted enuff


Active Member
first time i tryed to turn my fans on in my room my freshly cut clones i had in my bubble cloner they fell over and died by morning, and i have 6 day old clones with nice root bumps sharing the room with these 2 older clones that why i havent kicked on the fans yet, the fans would kill the humidity and my new clones wouldnt make it,once they root i was gonna give it a new clones look like shit too by the way lol they are in a race for time to root before they eat all the greenery i dont think i misted enuff
see if you had soil I could tell you to build up the soil around stem but man clones arent accessible to me in a illegal state good luck bro! Soils much easier and as far as ph goes don't get to locked up into it it may have its place in hydro etc but at the end of the day we got to remember they are weeds and need little care to grow things.


Well-Known Member
i have a mother outside that is doing fine other then im taking all the clones from her so she wont have much of a yeild.


Well-Known Member
whats anyones thoughts on a phosphorus deficiency all the symptoms seem to be there clawing , twisted leaf , purple shoot on the worst leaves , if this is my problem could a add some tiger bloom since its 2-8-4 or would i be better off using a nutrient mix they sent me with my system it is 20-20-20


Well-Known Member
should i change res first or just add to my current fox farm feeding at a weak solution , normal would be 1 tsp per gallon i have 7 gallons was thinking 2 tsp


Well-Known Member
*update* day 26 (from cutting) changing my res tommorow and feeding.can i use cal mag with my fox farm nutes? any suggestions on what im doing wrong still? ph 5.8 water temp 75.3 gave a 1/4 feeding then added another 1/4 after 3 days cuz i thought they looked under fed, gonna try a 1/2 feeding to start this week i guess



Well-Known Member
maybe heat stress but i moved my 8u 250w cfl light up from 7 inches to about 10 inches away yesterday is this still to close or will it take a few days to show any improvement