Clones transplanted coco - yellowing..cant figure out


Well-Known Member
hi guys

Long time since i been on here. Need some guidance!

Got some bubba kush dinafem clones rooted in aeroponics and transplanted into coco/perlite mix.
Watered coco with 5.7/8 ph water with genesis a and b formula at recommended dose 1ml per L. Plants are growing and have rooted but they are yellowing and dont seem well.

This is my first time in coco as used to soil...any help would be great as its stressing me out trying to work it out.

Thanks all.



Well-Known Member
Am I seeing older growth turn yellow with dark green veins? Looks N deficient.. Careful with N bro make sure we diagnose correctly and then easy does it.. It will burn roots


Well-Known Member
Ive some others - hoping im thinking too much, but growth seems slow and yellow but also purple stems in places sometimes going into the veins of the leafs (main central vin in leaf). I just hope ive made the right choice in migrating to coco,