clones to 6inch rockwool cubes watering problem?

How often do you water ebb and flow during veg in large rockwool cubes?

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Hello all,

I just started a 4x4 ebb and flow 40 gal res system with a 600 W super HPS air cooled in a 4.5x4.5x7 grow tent.

I recently purchased 16 hybrid (Indaca Dom, all kushs) clones from a pharmacy. I transplanted them in my 6 inch rockwool and flood 3 times a day like my local hydrostore told me. It looks like its to much? So i havent watered in 2 days and this is what my plants look like.... Can anyone help or tell me a good feeding schedule for these babies?

Also, they have been in the tent under 18-6 for 6 days with no signs of growth. My tent temp ranges from a high of 80 down to 63 at night with a fresh cold air intake. I have noticed the cubes are very cold and thinking the roots might not be taking because this. Is this a common problem>? Any solutions? I als0o mixed my res at a 400PPM with 5.9 PH.




Well-Known Member
i feed/water rockwool once a week using gh-flora nutes rockwool holds liquid a long time i dont know what youre using for nutes but heres pics of my 600w.3x3 grow started 4-5-10 without more info its hard to help but i really think youre overdoing it



Well-Known Member
currently growin on rockwool slab with 4x4 blocks i dont think 6x6 will be enough volume for whole grow i uasd 6x6 last grow but had 2 add slab when roots came out bottom of blocks still advise to try flooding 5-7 day intervals try lifting the blocks when they get light or dry on bottom its time to flood this is my second rockwool grow & once a week works good


I have the 4x4 tent setup I do it like 4x a day, don't know if its right or wrong cause I've heard of guys watering once a day, but I think I'm over watering but its hot out here, n my babys look thirst


Now I'm gonna cut off all water for a week to see what happenes. Is that why my roots don't grow out the bottom of the blocks?


Active Member
Depends on your room degrees and where your tank is located..............whether tank is running high temps.........myself i don't like to keep my 55gal in the room...............If your room at plant level is between 85-90, then i'd run the pumps 6times daily.......anything lower than 85 i'd run them 3-4 times.........................try to keep the tank fluid temps 10 degrees cooler than your actual room temp................


Well-Known Member
i use drain to waste program i mix nutes & let airstones work for about an hour or so adjust ph & then flood my tray [15 ga. for my 3x3 tub] the slabs usually absorb all but about 3 gals. which then goes on roses & yard plants there is no need to maintain a reservoir or worry about temps ,algae or ph fluctuations it truly is the lazy mans hydro & the results arent bad either i use gh nutes because i was turned onto it by a friend & i did my best grow with it & my current grow is going good as well these pics were just taken this afternoon ive had them in my room for 2 weeks & theyve started a good rate of growth i think the 3'' rocwool slabs under the blocks is the way to go i disected the slabs from last grow & was amazed at the roots growing through it roots will naturaly seek out nutes & moisture i think if you dont allow the rockwool to dry out you slow root growth. in hydroton you can flood multible times a day as it dries out so fast theres so many ways to do this i can only say whats worked for me



Well-Known Member
I just started my first grow using 6x6 rockwool cubes that I put my clones in. I am using GH nutes and mix at half strength. I water twice a day for 15 minutes during the light cycle. After 21 days into my grow, my plants are going crazy. I never thought that they could grow this fast. I am using a 400W MH for Vegging. Plants started getting so thick and bushy, I had to change bulbs yesterday and start the flowering process with a 600W HPS. I am growing in a 2x4 ebb and flo table.
i have had some confusion over feeding schedules as well...
i started seeds in rockwool cubes 9 days ago, i just gave them like a 1/4 strength nute feeding yesterday, i feel like their growth is not great to be honest, and a couple of htem have an odd bluish hue to them...i dunno if this is due to lack of nutes or the opposite? i have them under 3 CFL's right now, they arent really in my flood table left, i just have them in a casserole pan sorta deal, and i just been manuelly flooding the system 1 a day, originally just with water, and as of recently with nutes...i been flooding them wtih normal water a couple hours after flooding with the nutes so as not to fuck with them to harshly...any advice would be greatly appreciated...what is the consensus on feeding schedules for seedlings...ive heard 1/4 strength from 10 days until 2 1/2 weeks, then gradually more...i am going to follow along something like roots are starting to show through, should i transport htem into my larger cubes? just a general guideline as far as feeding schedules would be greatly appreciated...


yes transplant them, well what size cubes are they in now? the bluish is weird... sounds like maybe to much nutes or you got some bad ass shit! lol yes 1/4 strngth for the first week... do u have a PPM meter? if not get one... start them at 400PPM and then upp it 100PPM every weeek.... and i have found that top ffeeding is the best when using clones in a large rockwool cube due to them getting waterlogged and the roots are drowing in a flood!


Well-Known Member
no talk of low temps? i have not been able to keep clones healthy without good roots when temps dip below 75 f. until i see good root growth i give them 24 hr light so i can keep my temps right at 78 f. you will need to water more often but if you keep the temps steady you will know when they need things
I have my plants in 2x4 flood trays in 6x6 cubes. I am watering them every other day for 5 minutes only and they are staying fairly wet but not too wet. The bigger the plants are getting the better they are looking and the quicker the cubes are drying out.



I hand watered mine for about 2 weeks or until the roots started showing at the bottom of the cube (also 6x6 rockwool). Literally a splash per cube for almost 2 weeks. The cubes were pre soaked for an hour in 300ppm solution at 0.5 conversion so 0.6 EC before transplanting the clones. Here is a pic at the end of week 2 when I started using the pumps. Hope it helps.



im using the same setup sometimes i only flood ever two days and my plants are doin fine with no problems. Dont worry to much every just flood every two days for 15min. over flooding will cause damaged to the plant


Active Member
wow great info.. i been getting root rot using 6x6 cube. i flood every day and most get rotted. only the bigger girls r ok. the bigger one intake more water. I need more info on flood and drain system. Thanks ALL!!