Clones - simple question.


Should clones in my rockwool, under domes be under 24/7 or can i just put them in my veg room with my 600 watt MH @ 20/4?


New Member
if they are rooted they can go under your hps..... if they are not rooted place them under a 40 watt shoplight.... 20 on 4 off is fine


600watt nono for cllones starting out. use floros 24/0 until they are nice and stong then move under 600watt 18/6


New Member
depends on how you apply the light.
it can be done with a 1000w hps ??????????


To much light will promote new growth to the top of the plant only need 20 watts to clone..lower wattage makes that plant concentate on root growth... not new leaf


New Member
Heat and Humidity
As cuttings have lost most of their ability to process water a humid environment is vital to ensure they don`t dry out. Warm air holds more moisture so aim for a temperature of 80 degrees around your cuttings and try to keep humidity levels at 70% plus. A heated covered germination box or propagator is ideal but you can use clear plastic bags over pots, just use a stick or two inserted in the medium to hold the bag away from the leaves of the cutting.
Oxygen is important to help cuttings root. Choose a loose growing medium that lets in plenty of air and spray clones daily with shaken p.h balanced water. Ideally hydroponic clones should have their water changed daily if it`s not being moved or aerated.
Place new cuttings in moderate light such as a north facing window or under fluorescent lamps. Coloured plastic bags placed over propagators make good shades from strong sunlight or HID Lamps. Once well rooted gradually increase light intensities until normal growing levels are reached. Test show that clones root best when lit for only 16 hours a day, this is due to root formation taking place during the dark period. If you want to keep your clones away from darkness however don`t worry they will still root well even under constant light.


well my clones wont go under hid until they need to. pointless and waste if they dnt need it and i said 24/0 for lighting


i use cfls to start then mh. i dnt see the point in starting clones under hps or mh. my opinion big waste but to all there own