Clones, no roots, 400w hps?

I cut some fresh clones about 5-7 days ago, placed them in rockwool. I woke up this morning and no roots have yet came out. I was using a humidity dome w/ tray, a 24w cloning flourescent light. I was wondering if they would grow roots faster under a 400w hps? Thanks guy anything to help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks again.


The better the light source the better your plant grows, assuming you have proper ventilation to handle a 400w hps without your plants overheating


I recently had the same problem with my sour and blue dream clones, I put a 125w cfl on it and they were busting out a few days later. But I think if you use a 400w it has to be like 2feet away...(don't quote me just what I was told)
thanks guys, and the rooting gel I used is from Rootech, should I still keep a humidity dome on top? It stays at about 53% humidity with a low of 45%

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
do the cuts still look healthy?
53% humidity is not all that much for cuttings.
some strains just take longer to root than others. ive had an og cut take about 17 days before enough roots were there to transplant. id say keep the dome on keep it humid and youll be great.


Active Member
I wouldnt us an hps for clones, they have no need for so much light at this point. Could actually slow rooting if they starting growing instead of worring about roots.