Clones may be in trouble. Help very appreciated!


Hey all,

I'm what you'd call a Noob to say the least. However I've been very careful about the amount of research I've done prior to the start of my grow.

I have 5 plants, all in early clone stages and recently (2 days) transported to a deep water culture using Advanced Nutrients "Sensi".

My problem is that I'm obviously making a mistake somewhere as my plants aren't looking their healthiest. I made the mistake of using 800ppm to start and quickly realized that it was way too high; so I poured out half of the water/nutrient mixture, added more water to equate to about 400-500ppm. I hope the problems are just nute burn and I'll be ok within a few days.

P.H - 5.5 to about 5.8
PPM - 400-500 max
Growing medium- Hydroton
Method - Deep water culture in 5 gal buckets. The water line is anywhere between 1-2in. above the bottom of the net pot.

Any help would be very appreciated. I hope to contribute back as much as possible during my grow. Thanks!



I believe the pH for Deep Water Culter is optimal around 5.6, at least this is what I've learned from various growers. I think Soil grown plants should have a pH of 6.4-6.8 though.

Thanks for the response BP!


Active Member
the best soil ph is the neutral 7 with a slight natural tendancy to lower it

now im not familiar with hydro too but ur clones are not that bad considering they gotten a rooting period , if they copntinue to fade u might need to raise the fert content


Cool, so you don't think the crispiness is from nute burn but rather the lack of nutrients?

The roots haven't sprouted through the net pot yet so they must be struggling for water. Anyone have any ideas as to when the roots will sprout through and what I should be doing in the mean time? Some people say the water line should be under the net pot and some say 1-2in. above. I can't seem to get a definite answer. Maybe in this case there's more than one way to skin a cat.


Thanks man. I lowered my nutes to about 450-600 ppm a couple of days ago. Should I just pour out the nutrient mixed water and restart without nutes for a week or so? I was thinking that I might just leave them until the end of the week and see how they do.

Thanks for the help everyone.


Active Member
im also using dwc and from my experience i think the nutes should be alot less then what is recomended on the label ... clones that small i would keep the ppm around 200-300 ....i lost a few plants because of over nute ....i just think for dwc it should be alot less .... i keep my PH at around 5.5-5.8...

hope this helps


Day 11: Just thought I'd update. I have a new set of problems with the same premise I believe.

1st problem: My OG Lavender isn't growing what so ever. 3-4 roots sprouted through the DWC net pot, but no result in plant growth. :wall:

2nd problem: What I believe to be nute burn again. I lowered the nutes on my week 2 water change to about 350-400 ppm. They were doing fine with little to no burning until I added a root enhancer called Prop-O-Gator made by Plant Life Products.

Any insight could prove helpful, thanks everyone.

