clones in flower room ok??


Well-Known Member
I<m curious bout this too . i,m flowering and trying to figure out if i can do the same the dilemma is only 12 hrs light.


Active Member
intersting... I dont have any straight up info about this but I just don't think its a good idea.. when u clone and u want a successful rooting I think you should give at least 18 hours of light.. just my 0.02 but I will definitely follow this hopefully someone has some specific info..


Well-Known Member
some ppl put there cuts under 12/12 light right after they take them so they see the sex of the plants the cuts were taken from. the cuts root an start flower. only drawback is small plant flowering wont yeild alot an if you revert it to veg after a few weeks to avoid flower theres the stress issue. so its possible but not advised