Clones in Aerogarden???


Active Member
Yea I am, I was worried cause my ph scale only goes down to 6.0 and my water's lvl (only used 1/4 strength nutes this week) was close to 7.0, took a while to get it down to 6.0, like 60 or more ph down drops, so I was a little concerned about its accuracy. I ordered a hydroponic specific ph kit online so that should be here for the next res change.


Well-Known Member
Yea jus try to keep it at 5.5 to 5.8, 60 drops is alot, you ordered the Gen Hydro one? that one should work


Active Member
UPDATE: So my new Ph kit came, and I tested the water I had in the aerogarden and it was way to high, above 7.0. So I replaced the water with new nuted and phed water of 5.7. This was last night, I check the ph of the res today and its back to over 7.0. Whats causing the ph to go up in the res???


Well-Known Member
if you use the tabs, they should buffer the pH for you, just keep adjusting it and you should be fine


Active Member
Got the aerogarden hood off the system and suspended today. The ph was a little high this morning, but I put it down and its been staying well. Heres some pics of the setup now. How long should i vegg them for? They've been in there a week tomorrow.



Well-Known Member
you shouldnt be using nutes this early on. Let them get a little bigger rootball and then add the nutes when they are strong enough


Active Member
BAD NEWS! I had to go out of town for the weekend, and so the plants were alone for 2 days. When I came back the back plant was looking alot worse. Here are the pics, I had the Cfls on while i was gone, did it get too much light? The ph was a little high when i got back, but I adjusted it right away. I was thinking about removing the dead leaves, what else should I do???

First pic is of the plant up front, which looks pretty great in my opinion, the other 3 are the plant in the back.



Well-Known Member
Yea the pH was probably really high for a long time, keep the pH proper, and i would try adding like 1/4 of a nute tab, so break it in half, and us a half of a half, pre dissolve in some water and that should help you matain the pH


Active Member
Yea, when i got back it was at 6.5, I checked it when I left and it was at around 6. How can I know to be around 5.7, I dont really notice a color change until its already down to 5. I took off the dead leaves, I believe they were the 3 oldest, cut them as close to the stem as I could. Going to add the nute tab now. If the problem persists I'll try to get some magnesium. Thanks!!!


Well-Known Member
Jea since there still young, wait a week, then flush and add fresh pH'd water with nutes. By then they should have recovered, then you can slowly work your way up untill the end when you stop adding nutes


Active Member
How do I flush them? I changed the res water last wednesday, should I not change it this week and just wait another week??


Well-Known Member
flushing just means you change the water out, wand rinse the rez of any left over nutes that may have built up on the interior, i would just wait until you flush again


Well-Known Member
yea that other on might be a lost cause, the good on is doin great, try and keep the pH proper, i'd say you can start with 1/2 of a nute tab, that should help