clones from a 4 week old seedling??? HELPO PLEASO

hi. my names newbie.

today i have took cuttings from a 3 n half week old seedling.

i have cut it at a 45 degree angle and dipped in root hormone gel and placed in saturated rockwool.

i have put a cup over the clones to create humidity.

my temps are 80f and light is sittin a foot away frm the clones (96 watt florescent)

will they survive i mean its been a day and they havent even wilted and still looking alive

what is your views on this. anyone and everyone throw in your experience or ideas.




Well-Known Member
relax mine usually start to throw roots within 5 days or so but some take alot longer.dont give them any nutes and ph your water and you should be good. be patient young grasshopper


Well-Known Member
Or she..... Lol idk I saw the tits in your avatar and figured you know this could be a girl lol :) so my apologies if you are
yeah defenitley. it is a timing game.

but what worries me is that are they going to produce good yield as they are taken from a mother plant that is 3 and half week old.

but then again my 3 and half week old plant is ALOTTTTTTT bigger than any other usuall 3 n half week old plant. i will be postin pics soon and keep you updateedd

iv added no nutes but plain water. not even phed water. is that ok?


Well-Known Member
its ok but it would be better if you phd it. have you sexed this plant and are sure its a female.
these are all feminized seeds. so im assuming they are all females in my tent. ( fingers crossed )
however i am now going to ph my water and bring my tap water ph down to 5.9 - 6.1 and see how that goes.