Clones Dying...WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Sup folks...I had 10 I have 6... I have you tubed, I have googled, i have watched frikken videos left and right, read articles......What the efff am I doing wrong :cuss::cuss::cuss::wall::wall::wall::wall::fire::cuss::finger::finger::finger::finger::wall::wall::?::?::?:.....

:bigjoint:...Ok now that I vented...could some super master cloner show me the way...someone with good success rate!!! please...I have a heat mat, have a humity dome..have a temp/humidity digital...

This is what I currently do... I take a cutting, with a sterile blade,remove the smaller leaves from the bottom to dip it in a sterile shot glass filled with Clonex.

I have small cooler water cups that I drill holes out of at the bottom and fill half way with coco.. cutting solution Green-up i believe and I PH my water to 5.8

gently slide it into the the small cups, drop the cutting, clip the leaves and drop em in the humidome in the pic and close the vent holes completely..

I mist the humidome every few hours....I come back and some are wilted and others are just beyond wilt, frikken dead, leaves curling up like and drying out almost ??????..... while others are fine...I need more success...

I need the whole breakdown guys and gals please.....

I will replicate your entire process... what do you do ? how long does it take to see roots ?.. ++ rep + good karma coming your way... Helpppppp im getting tired of losing good clones...:sleep:



6 out of 10 is a normal for clones in my experience, some strains take better to cloning then others. I'm sure you already know to have high humidity, consistent warmth, loose and plain medium, soft lighting...


hey hows it goin it sounds like ther may b too much heat that happen 2 the ones (my friend) took last monday wen it got too warm thet all floped over and looked like they wer dead wot temp do u hav in dome?. and i think u shld only mist them mayb twice a day

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
what light are they under. it's generally not too good of an idea to spray the leaves while the light is on as the water beads and acts like a magnifying glass.

when i was using coco/soil i did half with and half without a heated propogator. all lived. without the prop i had the clones in peat pellet which i dunked into ph'd water once a day, nothing more, and with the prop i would fill the water gulleys in the bottom of the prop with water, place the absorbant mat over the top and put the pellets ontop of that. again, without spraying. topping up every day or so. currently on a second batch of clones in an aeroponic cloner. 100% success on that as well, and again no spraying.

none of the leaves ever dried up. they wilted to dispair

those pulled through just fine :) they did a lot better without the plastic trays, they were cooking it a bit


Active Member
light is 24 watty... reason why I use the mat, is cause its pretty cold in my designated veg area... and I was told that it would help...As of right now...the remaining 6 sour grape clones are alive and pointing wilting..... Ive got frikken line-up of some nice genes but im tired of taking chances and having to toss em out...I hope to god these survive..i need a win...I grow bud from clones to harvest beautifully, no issues...but what I thought would be the easiaest has been the one to kick my ass the most...


Well-Known Member
light is 24 watty... reason why I use the mat, is cause its pretty cold in my designated veg area... and I was told that it would help...As of right now...the remaining 6 sour grape clones are alive and pointing wilting...
it is good,it should be under the tray,so it's not heat,but nice and warm..good luck


Active Member
Mango, Purple Kush, Train Wreck, Shishkaberry, Rocklock, GDP,XJ13,Sour Grapes....Help me hold on to some of these lineages...lmfaoooo....arghhhhhhhhhhhh


Active Member
havent tried yet..but I hear its the rave...babies are growing beautifully!!! i mean there getting big and the fat fast...I really want to retain her for a while...:hump:lets make babies......bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
havent tried yet..but I hear its the rave...babies are growing beautifully!!! i mean there getting big and the fat fast...I really want to retain her for a while...:hump:lets make babies......bongsmilie
yea you are going to have to get this cloneing thing down,you got to many good girl's to let go.....:clap:


Active Member
right on brotha..much passing your vibes on to the cuttings...grow little ladies grow....grow big and plentiful....


Let me make a more full post now, as I've not got much better to do....

First select the right part of the mother, you want young and firm shoots, 3-7mm diameter. they should be 10 to 45cm in length. As soon as you make the cutting place the end in water, because if any air getting into the stem it will block the transpiration and the cutting will wilt away. Cut the end again before putting it into the medium just in case some air gets in.

Dip the ends in your growth regs and fungicides and place them in the warm and moist medium, into a hole slightly larger then the stem diameter. Keep the cut end no less then 10cm away from the bottom of the medium. Lightly tamp the medium around the cutting. Make sure there doing well for the first few days, if so start watering them with a very light nutrient solution once a day. Remember that although high moister is needed roots also need oxygen so your medium will need to drain well.

It will take about 3 to 6 weeks for them to develop good roots and be ready for transplanting. Keep them in soft light for the first couple of weeks and feed them a light nutrient mix.

The firmness is a sign of high carbohydrate which is needed for rooting, but don't confuse the firmness for 'woodyness'. For a more accurate idea of the carbohydrate content you can do a iodine starch test. Reduce nitrogen in the mother to allow carbohydrates to build up (this will slow shoot growth), rinse soil with plenty of water and use a small pot to 'crowd' the roots.
Cutting with high nitrogen root poorly so avoid the 'newest' rapidly growing stems and go for the ones that have stopped elongation growth and have started radial growth.
Etiolation (growing the mother in complete darkness for a week or two or more practically just wrapping the limb you plan to cut) will make starch drop and will raise the auxin levels (chemical the plant produces for root growth).


Well-Known Member
i had the hardest time cloning until i switched from city tap water after sitting out for 24 hrs about 220 ppm to using spring water. roots in a matter of days after i switched to spring water.