Clones are Turning Yellow in Bubbler


Well-Known Member
Hi All, these are five days old, and until yesterday were looking pretty good. Some of them even have tiny roots starting to grow, a couple about 3/8" long. Ph is 6, water is about 80, nutes are what they got when I cut and dipped them in "dip 'n grow", two 21" T5 lights 24/0, two 14" air stones on a 20-60 gallon pump. Any idea why they are turning yellow?


Hi there, it looks to me like they are lacking in nitrogen, the leaves are yellowing which is a good sign of N deficiency. I could be wrong though, does anyone else have any idea what could be wrong?


Well-Known Member
the plants use their nitrogen-

to make roots. it's the building block for producing tissue.

it means they are rooting. after they root, give them just a "pinch" of grow nutes, until transplant.


Well-Known Member

trimming the leaves a bit, when preparing the clones will help alot. not as much leaf to keep alive.


Well-Known Member
One observation is the tubing you are using is allowing light to penetrate into the bubble chamber (Bad). Next we need to know what pH, ppm and temp the water/nute is, and what spectrum and watts the light is. Lift the lid and take a pic of the roots and chamber for water level, bubble intensity. What bubbler, stones are you using?


Well-Known Member
Thank you for your answers! Interesting about the Nitrogen. I did add a very small amount of Miracle Grow (24% N) into the mix, and covered the tubes to keep light out. Much appreciated!!

I did not trim the leaves much because I figured I had already caused enough trauma by cutting the stem in the first place. Should I make larger cuts next time too? Meaning, should the stems I cut to clone be larger?