clones are dying. stems are soggy/ turning to mush


Well-Known Member
ive put 14 cuttings into my aerocloner 3 days ago. 4 are already dead and another3 or 4 arent looking so hot. the stems underneath the lid on the dying ones are really soggy and turning to mush. whats causing this. water temp is 81F, i used cloning gel and half strength veg nute. please help

Father Earth

Well-Known Member
I was thinking about putting a small amount of nutes in my clone water. However i deicided it wasn't to safe, my plants even have 6"-8" roots. Your doing it when their root system hasn't even developed yet! Gutsy my friend.

Father Earth

Well-Known Member
Try holding out on the nutes and see how things go. They won't die without them, tap water contains enough nutes for about a month.


Active Member
I would venture to say it is too warm. 76-78 is about right. I have heard of this very problem when you exceed 80.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
You know what I use for cloning? An 8 dollar storage bin with a t5 mounted to the lid. Period. I put rockwool cubes into empty salad containers, give its low feeding, 2.5 ml micro, 5 ml bloom per gallon, done. After one more feeding 6 days later I got roots. It shouldnt be so complicated. I get 90% success on average, depwmdimg on the strain 100% success. Spend 25 bucks, craigslist that thing, and keep it simple sam (i dont wanna call you stupid....)


Well-Known Member
You know what I use for cloning? An 8 dollar storage bin with a t5 mounted to the lid. Period. I put rockwool cubes into empty salad containers, give its low feeding, 2.5 ml micro, 5 ml bloom per gallon, done. After one more feeding 6 days later I got roots. It shouldnt be so complicated. I get 90% success on average, depwmdimg on the strain 100% success. Spend 25 bucks, craigslist that thing, and keep it simple sam (i dont wanna call you stupid....)
thanks for kinda not calling me stupid

Metalarc Lemon

Active Member
I have a home made aero cloner (see it in action in my signature) that i use plain tap water in ph'd to 5.8 and I use no gel or powders of any sort. It has 100% clone rate and I don't heat the water in any way shape or form. on a 1on 5 off cycle timer, but I let it run 24 for the first 2 days.

I think your water is wayyy too hot and your using too much gel and you shouldn't add nutes to them until they have established a good few inches of roots at least. I don't add any nutes until the roots are 10 in long and they never have any issues.

Good luck!

Father Earth

Well-Known Member
With my cloning method they sit in uncirculating water 24/7, without problem. The water movement with your system is great, but with all electrical gear it produces heat. Which is dissolving your stems. Yes i would go with the timer, 12/12 shouldn't hurt. Like i said earlier my clone method has no circulation, and I'm at about an 85% sucess rate.
so i thot with aerocloners u run em 24/7? do i need to put it on a timer?


Well-Known Member
With my cloning method they sit in uncirculating water 24/7, without problem. The water movement with your system is great, but with all electrical gear it produces heat. Which is dissolving your stems. Yes i would go with the timer, 12/12 shouldn't hurt. Like i said earlier my clone method has no circulation, and I'm at about an 85% sucess rate.
12 hours on and 12 off? wont they dry out if they dont have any water. there is no medium. they are in an aeroponic cloner with the stems hanging down getting directly sprayed w a fine mist