Clone station lights affecting flowering?


Active Member
Hey guys.
First time cloner.
I have a flowering room set up and a little cloning station above it. My clones are on a 20/4 light schedule and my flowering girls are obviously 12/12. I have 2 little fluorescent lights for my clones which are on the top shelf above my flower tent. When my girls are asleep there is hardly any light getting through to them all I can see is a faint silhouette of the plants but it isnt pitch black. I cant actually see the plants its so dark just a fint off black where they are. I cant imagine 2 little fluorescents affecting them especially with such little light but I dont want to risk it. Do you think it could be too affecting them? Its only been one night since I put them in, there is NO direct light even coming close to touching the plants from the clone lights so keep that in mind.

Thanks for any help!
Scared I might stop the flower cycle in my girls or something like that.


Well-Known Member
ANY light hitting flowering plants will stress them creating hermies or reverting them to veg . Veg/clone areas should always be isolated from flowering area

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Well-Known Member
Flowering room doesnt need to be pitch black as long as theres no more then 3 candles of light it wont effect em exampke i think a full moon is 1 candle, your good if theres no light hitting em

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Active Member
Awesome man thanks.
Yeah it is def not even 1 candle in there.
I think I did a pretty good job with building their tents.
My Clones just showed their first roots today! So excited.