Clone Setup and Survival Rate


Well-Known Member
Just wonder how you guys take clones and about what your survival rate is? What root hormone do you use?

Do you think it helps to cut all but 1-2 leaves off? Makes for some lame looking clones, but I think it would keep them from dehydrating as quick.


Well-Known Member
I use a DWC cloner. It's a 3gal bucket with 6 holes on the lid and a air stone. I use rootone, superthrive and nutes. I just clip clones and insert them in the collars and spray the clippings with water whenever I have a chance. Usually 3-4 times a day. No humidity dome and no heat pad. Roughly 6-8 days I see roots. So far I have had a 100% success rate.


Well-Known Member
i just cut them and stick them in the dirt i use no hormone at survival rate is arount 75%.... i leave only 1 leaf.... and who gives a shit what it looks like on top at this point i only care about the rooting theres no growth on top for 2 weeks.... if it dies so what.... theres more that wiill be fine so in the end its a numbers game


Well-Known Member
Yeah - I think leaving too many leaves kills them. Still depressing to cut it down from a mini-plant to a big green stick =/


New Member
keep it simple some trail an error an you can work your self up to 95 percent rate do it in soil find some seedling mix clonex / or shultz powder make it real damp and for it to work you need a dome for humidity florescents and your on your way :))

