Clone Question


Well-Known Member
I have moved my 1" rockwool cubes into MG organic soil. How long till i start to feed them some water? Next how long till i introduce nutrients?


Well-Known Member
ACCCKKKK, get them out of that shyt soil, seriously. Spend the 20 dollars and get those babies some real soil. You should water after you transplant them- are the plants "asking for" the nutes yet?


Well-Known Member
Yes i know its bad soil, but it is a little better then the MG with the nutrient balls in it that feeds up too 3 months. But yes i am going to get some new soil as soon as i get a day off work, fucking retail this time of year. Ive heard FoxFarm is good and i can get my hands on it but, do i need to make a mix with like perilite and add other soilless to the foxfarm? Or is the foxfarm work as a stand alone. What is the ideal mix?

Also the mother that is 3.5 weeks into flowering is in the mg organic and is about 4 feet tall and looking great. Hasnt show any signs of nutrient burn, so i seem to be doing an ok job on her.

Ok i will be watering the clones, what are some of the signs of the clones "asking for nutrients"?


Well-Known Member
Usually the first sign of them wanting nutes is them wanting nitrogen (the nitrogen helps make the leaves green, so when they started turning a lighter green and into a yellow they're beggin for nitrogen, on the other end the darker the leaves get means an overdose)

I personally used MG oganic in the beginning of my grown and switched over to Sunshine Mix Organic, it was 17 bucks for the bag from the hydro store and the plant nearly tripled in size 4 days after the transplant- seriously, the mg organic doesn't kill the plants like the time released soil- however its missing almost everything you need for EXPLOSIVE growth. I personally went with the Sunshine Organic because the perlite was mixed in already- the Foxfarm Ocean Forest is better however you will have to buy perlite separate and mix it yourself.

Foxfarm nutes are great to use as well..


Well-Known Member
ahh cool thanks for the replies.

As a side note my moronic roommate tried to "help" and failed horriblely. He let light get into the plants on 12/12. I just now noticed this after getting off work. They where exspoded for 2 hours. What will this do make them hermie's, or what? >< fucking idiot roommate.