Clone question

Green Refuge

Well-Known Member
About a week ago I took a cut and put it in rapid plug. Today it has root coming out of the plug. Question is I don't have a clone machine just a dome and tray with a table light over them. Should I transplant asap ? The root is exposed and out in the light. Is it more likely to survive in soil or coco ? I have ffof and mother earth coco.
yes, transplant it into soil once you see the new roots apearing, you have a few days to do this, the longer its in the rapid rooter the more roots you will have, but they will grow anyway once its in its soil.

soil is my choice, soil all the way

Alright cool thanks for the reply. I was just curious cuz I always hear people on here talking about how it's bad to have roots exposed to light.
it ois bad to have roots perminantly exposed to the light, but you can get away with it for a few days.
what are the rooters in a propagator with a lid ?
About a week ago I took a cut and put it in rapid plug. Today it has root coming out of the plug. Question is I don't have a clone machine just a dome and tray with a table light over them. Should I transplant asap ? The root is exposed and out in the light. Is it more likely to survive in soil or coco ? I have ffof and mother earth coco.
Make sure the roots long enough or that thang gonna die soon as you transplant
Alright then I must wait a few more days because the roots are tiny as of now. Should I start feeding it regular ph water or stay with the 5.5 ph ?
O you’re right there just 3 days Max and she’ll be ready I would just keep doing whatever you been doing don’t worry about any yellowing
Plant it now, wont hurt a thing, i have planted them with absolutely no roots showing and they are always fine, after all it is a weed it has the will to live, i have absolutely tortured clones before just to see how far i can push it
Plant it now, wont hurt a thing, i have planted them with absolutely no roots showing and they are always fine, after all it is a weed it has the will to live, i have absolutely tortured clones before just to see how far i can push it
Technically you could plant it now but the odds of you overwatering and drowning it is extremely high unless you like living on the edge I would just wait a few days for real roots
O you’re right there just 3 days Max and she’ll be ready I would just keep doing whatever you been doing don’t worry about any yellowing

Alright great. I been doing 5.5ph because someone told me regular water encourages Photosynthesis. Now that there's roots I think regular 6.3 might not hurt much.
The faster the can start absorbing nutrients from the soil the healthier they will look as youngins, just my 2 cents, its hard as hell to kill those lil fuckers, i brought one back with just 2 tiny leafs on it, and shes a beautiful ladie now
Gotcha. They are in a tray type container with dome on top. No lid over them to cover roots.
Just my 2 cents. But if roots are outside the container? It is time to transplant. You have made a clone. Now grow a plant. Use a fish emulsion and water if you wish or need to feed. And a small amount of water at the stem will get you to full water in a few weeks.

Soil guy here. Sill the same plant. LOL.
Gotcha. They are in a tray type container with dome on top. No lid over them to cover roots.
you will be fine for a few days, you look like you have a great rooting enviroment there and with a lid /dome on there the light is dappled and not directly on the roots. you have good info from several great growers on this thread now. good luck